class: center, middle, inverse, title-slide #
for R Markdown
Michael Clark
--- class: inverse background-image: url(
--- class: inverse middle center ### **Introduction** ### **Demonstration of Features** ### **Overview of Websites** --- class: inverse # Goals - To demonstrate a Distill article - Can be used as default Rmd - Serves as basis for website - Have knowledge of what it offers over other formats - Provide a sense of what is required for building a website --- class: inverse middle center animated rollIn rollOut # # What is Distill? <img src="img/distill-hex.png" width="66%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse # Basics From RStudio: > Distill for R Markdown is a web publishing format optimized for scientific and technical communication > Features essential to technical writing like LaTeX math, citations, and footnotes. > Flexible figure layout options (e.g. displaying figures at a larger width than the article text). > A variety of ways to publish articles, including support for publishing sets of articles as a Distill website or as a Distill blog. --- class: inverse # Basics All you have to do to get started is install the package... ```r install.packages('distill') ``` --- class: inverse # Basics Now open up a new markdown via templates. `File/New File/R Markdown/From Template/Distill Article` <img src="img/distill-template.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse # Starting Out Let's try it out for ourselves! --- class: inverse # Summary of Article Features - Nice, clean look from the start - Geared toward scientific presentation - Good support for citations, and making your work easily citable - Code is clean and linkable - Multiple visualization layout options --- class: inverse middle center animated zoomIn # # Websites! <img src="img/example_websites.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> --- class: inverse # Websites Besides articles, you can create your own blog/website with Distill. Why? - Professional requirement - Blogging can help you, help others Requirement: - Somewhere to host it --- class: inverse middle center # Publishing Options RStudio Connect GitHub Pages Netlify Google Firebase Site44 (Dropbox) Amazon S3 Other services --- class: inverse center animated bounceIn bounceOut # I Use GitHub! <img src="img/octocat.png" style="display:block; margin: 0 auto; width: 50%"> --- class: inverse # Why GitHub? - A programming oriented community 💻 - Lots of data science 📈 - Lots of <i class="fab fa-r-project"></i> users - Distill has configuration for GH pages 😎 - Did I mention... free? 💵 - Every repository you create will automatically be linkable from your site 🔗 --- class: inverse # What You Need for GitHub - An account - A repository for your website - - A minimal understanding of Git - Set repo to do GitHub pages --- class: inverse # What You Need for a Distill Website - Create a new RStudio project - Choose Distill website  --- class: inverse # What You Need for a Distill Website  --- class: inverse # My approach Blog post: - Basic distill article with some extras - in the `_posts` directory - Draft mode (don't publish until ready!) - Tags, Categories, etc. - When ready, 'build' the site - Same as you would an R package --- class: inverse # My approach Bookdown: - Create a repo - Create a bookdown document - Now linkable - Slides, or any other doc... same as bookdown --- class: inverse # Websites Some additional files required: - *_site.yaml* - Controls navbar and layout - Set the output_dir within _site.yml to match the repository directory your site is served from. (e.g. `"."`) - *.nojekyll* - empty file to keep GitHub from using defaults - Use a Distill theme or your own custom css --- class: inverse middle center animated rollIn rollOut # # Enjoy Distill! .pull-left[ <img src="img/RMarkdownOutputFormats.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ] .pull-right[ <img src="img/distill-hex.png" width="75%" style="display: block; margin: auto;" /> ]