Mixed Models for Big Data

Explorations of a fast penalized regression approach with mgcv

mixed models
big data

October 20, 2019


mixed models, big data, generalized linear mixed models, additive models, random effects, lme4, glmmTMB, mgcv, lmer, glmer

Last updated January 02, 2025. Timings based on original date of posting.

NOTE: When redoing my website, some of the results were not saved as needed, so it may be possible to see a mismatch with printed results vs. text description. It was also easier to run bam in parallel, but nowadays this requires openmp which likely won’t be recognized even if you have it installed. As of 2023, I have some packages work with it (data.table), and others not (mgcv).


With mixed models, it is easy to run into data that is larger in size than some more typical data scenarios. Consider a cross-sectional data set with 200 individuals. This is fairly small data. Now, if we observe them each five times, as in a longitudinal setting, we suddenly have 1000 observations. There may be less than 200 countries in the world, but if we survey 100s or 1000s of people in many of them, we suddenly have a notable data set size, and still would potentially like to model a country-level random effect. What are our options when dealing with possibly gigabytes of data?

This post will demonstrate an approach that can be used with potentially millions of data points, multiple random effects, and possibly other complexities. First we’ll demonstrate how to get typical mixed model results using the approach used for generalized additive models. We’ll compare the output of the GAM, lme4, and even fully Bayesian mixed models. Then we’ll show some timings to compare the speed of the different approaches of common tools, and summarize some findings from other places.

[Background required:

For the following you should have familiarity with mixed models. Knowledge of the lme4 package would be useful but isn’t required. Likewise, knowledge of generalized additive models and mgcv would be helpful, but I don’t think it’s required to follow the demonstration.]{.aside}

R Packages for Mixed Models with Large Data

While many tools abound to conduct mixed models for larger data sizes, their limitations can be found pretty quickly. R’s lme4 is a standard, but powerful mixed model tool. More to the point, it is computationally efficient, such that it can handle very large sample sizes for simpler mixed models. For linear mixed models this can include hundreds of thousands of observations with possibly multiple random effects, still running on a basic laptop. For such models, it’s still largely the tool of choice, and its approach has even been copied/ported into other statistical packages.

We’ll first create some data to model. This is just a simple random intercepts setting.

N = 1e6                                  # total sample size
n_groups = 1000                          # number of groups
g = rep(1:n_groups, e = N/n_groups)      # the group identifier

x = rnorm(N)                             # an observation level continuous variable
b = rbinom(n_groups, size = 1, prob=.5)  # a cluster level categorical variable
b = b[g]

sd_g = .5     # standard deviation for the random effect
sigma = 1     # standard deviation for the observation

re0 = rnorm(n_groups, sd = sd_g)  # random effects
re  = re0[g]

lp = 0 + .5*x + .25*b + re        # linear predictor 

y = rnorm(N, mean = lp, sd = sigma)               # create a continuous target variable
y_bin = rbinom(N, size = 1, prob = plogis(lp))    # create a binary target variable

d = tibble(x, b, y, y_bin, g = factor(g))

Let’s take a look at the data first.

index x b y y_bin g
1 -0.378 0 -0.278 1 1
2 -0.812 0 -0.343 0 1
3 0.218 0 -0.810 1 1
4 1.529 0 0.465 1 1
5 -1.877 0 -1.570 0 1
6 -0.427 0 0.047 0 1
999995 -1.181 1 -1.111 0 1000
999996 -1.487 1 0.563 1 1000
999997 -1.236 1 -0.603 0 1000
999998 0.412 1 0.736 0 1000
999999 -0.644 1 -1.257 1 1000
1000000 0.409 1 0.520 1 1000

Now with the data in place, let’s try lme4 to model the continuous outcome.

The time to focus on is elapsed, which is the number of seconds the function took to run.

  mixed_big = lmer(y ~ x + b + (1|g))
   user  system elapsed 
  3.573   0.250   3.902 
summary(mixed_big, cor = FALSE)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: y ~ x + b + (1 | g)

REML criterion at convergence: 2841256

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-4.6066 -0.6743 -0.0004  0.6744  5.0367 

Random effects:
 Groups   Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 g        (Intercept) 0.2509   0.5009  
 Residual             0.9978   0.9989  
Number of obs: 1000000, groups:  g, 1000

Fixed effects:
             Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept) 0.0364754  0.0223332   1.633
x           0.5017616  0.0009987 502.409
b           0.1904534  0.0317430   6.000

This is great! We just ran a mixed model for 1,000,000 observations and 1,000 groups for our random effect in just a few seconds.

But one problem comes as soon as you move to the generalized mixed model, e.g. having a binary outcome, or include additional complexity while still dealing with large data. The following is essentially the same model, but for a binary outcome.

  mixed_big_glmm = glmer(y_bin ~ x + b + (1|g), family = binomial)
   user  system elapsed 
 58.090   6.462  65.693 

To begin with, you shouldn’t be worried about models taking a few minutes to run, or even a couple hours. Once you have your model(s) squared away, the testing of which can be done on a smaller sample of the data set, there is no need to repeatedly run it. But in this case we had a greater than 15 fold increase in time for a very simple data scenario. So it’s good to have options when you need them. Let’s turn to those.

Additive Models as Mixed Models

Simon Wood’s wonderful work on generalized additive models (GAM) and the mgcv package make it one of the better modeling tools in the R kingdom. As his text(S. N. Wood 2017) and other work shows, additive models constructed be posited in a similar way as mixed models, and he exploits this by providing numerous ways to include and explore random effects in the GAM approach. One key difference between the GAM and a standard linear mixed model approach is the way parameters are estimated. For the GAM, the random effects are estimated as are other fixed effect coefficients. Those random effects are penalized, in a similar way as L2/ridge regression. The ‘fixed effects’ are not penalized, and so that part is basically just a generalized linear model. As we will see though, the results will be nearly the same between mgcv and lme4.

The following demonstrates the link between the approaches by showing a model that includes a random intercept and slope. We will use the standard mgcv approach for specifying a smooth term, but alternatives are shown for those familiar with the package.

If you just use coef on the following gam objects, you will see that the random effects are lumped in with the other estimated coefficients.

mixed_model = lmer(
  Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject) + (0 + Days | Subject),
  data = sleepstudy

ga_model = gam(
  Reaction ~  Days + s(Subject, bs = 're') + s(Days, Subject, bs = 're'),
  data = sleepstudy,
  method = 'REML'

# Using gamm and gamm4 for the same model
# ga_model = gamm(
#   Reaction ~  Days ,
#   random = list(Subject = ~ 0 + Days),
#   data = sleepstudy,
#   method = 'REML'
# )
# ga_model = gamm4::gamm4(
#   Reaction ~  Days,
#   random =  ~ (Days||Subject),
#   data = sleepstudy,
# )

Note that we use s to denote a smooth term in the parlance of additive models, and the bs = 're' specifies that we want it as a random effect (as opposed to a spline or other basis function). The second smooth term s(Days, Subject, bs = 're') denotes random coefficients for the Days covariate.

As shown, one could use the gamm function for the nlme style, or Wood’s gamm4 package to use the lme4 syntax. These alternate approaches allow for more flexibility in some ways, but will not be useful to us for big data.

Comparison of GAM to the Mixed Model

Aside from the syntax, the underlying model between the two is the same, and the following shows that we obtain the same results for both lme4 and mgcv.

summary(mixed_model, cor = FALSE)
Linear mixed model fit by REML ['lmerMod']
Formula: Reaction ~ Days + (1 | Subject) + (0 + Days | Subject)
   Data: sleepstudy

REML criterion at convergence: 1743.7

Scaled residuals: 
    Min      1Q  Median      3Q     Max 
-3.9626 -0.4625  0.0204  0.4653  5.1860 

Random effects:
 Groups    Name        Variance Std.Dev.
 Subject   (Intercept) 627.57   25.051  
 Subject.1 Days         35.86    5.988  
 Residual              653.58   25.565  
Number of obs: 180, groups:  Subject, 18

Fixed effects:
            Estimate Std. Error t value
(Intercept)  251.405      6.885  36.513
Days          10.467      1.560   6.712

Family: gaussian 
Link function: identity 

Reaction ~ Days + s(Subject, bs = "re") + s(Days, Subject, bs = "re")

Parametric coefficients:
            Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)    
(Intercept)  251.405      6.885  36.513  < 2e-16 ***
Days          10.467      1.560   6.712 3.67e-10 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

Approximate significance of smooth terms:
                  edf Ref.df      F  p-value    
s(Subject)      12.94     17  89.29 1.09e-06 ***
s(Days,Subject) 14.41     17 104.56  < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

R-sq.(adj) =  0.794   Deviance explained = 82.7%
-REML = 871.83  Scale est. = 653.58    n = 180

I don’t want to go into the details of the printout for mgcv, but it is worth noting that the parametric part is equivalent to the fixed effects portion of the lme4 output. Likewise the smooth terms output is related to the random effects, but we’ll extract them in a manner more suited to typical mixed model output instead. So let’s compare the variance components, and get them ready for later comparison to bam results. Note, I’ve use several packages for mixed models, so I created a package called mixedup to provide tidier and consistent output, and which is more similar to lme4. I note the corresponding mgcv function where appropriate.

The mixedup package is available on GitHub.

# extract just the fixed effects for later.
mixed_fe = extract_fixed_effects(mixed_model, digits = 5)
gam_fe   = extract_fixed_effects(ga_model, digits = 5)  # coefs with se and confidence interval

# variance components
lmer_vcov = extract_vc(mixed_model, digits = 5)
gam_vcov  = extract_vc(ga_model, digits = 5)    # cleaner gam.vcomp
LME Result
group effect variance sd sd_2.5 sd_97.5 var_prop
Subject Intercept 627.569 25.051 15.259 37.786 0.477
Subject.1 Days 35.858 5.988 3.964 8.769 0.027
Residual NA 653.584 25.565 22.881 28.788 0.496
GAM Result
group effect variance sd sd_2.5 sd_97.5 var_prop
Subject Intercept 627.571 25.051 16.085 39.015 0.477
Subject Days 35.858 5.988 4.025 8.908 0.027
Residual NA 653.582 25.565 22.792 28.676 0.496

The penalty parameter in the GAM model is inversely related to the variance estimate of the random effects. See this demo.

The bam approach

For large data, mgcv provides the bam function. For this small data setting we don’t really need it, but we can establish that we would get similar results using it without having to wait. We will see the benefits when we apply bam to large data later. None of our syntax changes, just the function.

ba_model = bam(
  Reaction ~  Days + s(Subject, bs='re') + s(Days, Subject, bs='re'), 
  data = sleepstudy

bam_fe   = extract_fixed_effects(ba_model, digits = 5)
bam_vcov = extract_vc(ba_model, digits = 5)

How does it work? The function uses a parallelized approach where possible, essentially working on subsets of the model matrices simultaneously. Details can be found in the references[Li and Wood (2019)](S. N. Wood, Goude, and Shaw 2015a)(S. N. Wood et al. 2017), but basically mgcv parallelizes the parts that can be, and additionally provides an option to discretize the data to work with the minimal information necessary to produce viable estimates. The following uses the discrete option. As there isn’t really anything to discretize with so little data, this is just to demonstrate the syntax.

ba_d_model = bam(
  Reaction ~  Days + s(Subject, bs='re') + s(Days, Subject, bs='re'), 
  data = sleepstudy,
  discrete = TRUE

bam_d_fe   = extract_fixed_effects(ba_d_model, digits = 5)
bam_d_vcov = extract_vc(ba_d_model, digits = 5)

Fixed effects comparison

We start by comparing the fixed effects of all models run thus far. No surprises here, the results are the same.

Fixed Effects Estimates
term mixed gam bam bam_d
Intercept 251.405 251.405 251.405 251.405
Days 10.467 10.467 10.467 10.467

Let’s examine the standard errors. Note that there are options for the GAM models for standard error estimation, including a Bayesian one. For more details, see ?gamObject, but I will offer the summary:


frequentist estimated covariance matrix for the parameter estimators. Particularly useful for testing whether terms are zero. Not so useful for CI’s as smooths are usually biased.


estimated covariance matrix for the parameters. This is a Bayesian posterior covariance matrix that results from adopting a particular Bayesian model of the smoothing process. Particularly useful for creating credible/confidence intervals.


Under ML or REML smoothing parameter estimation it is possible to correct the covariance matrix Vp for smoothing parameter uncertainty. This is the corrected version.

We will use the Bayesian estimates (Vp), but for this setting there are no appreciable differences. I expand the digits to show they are in fact different to some decimal place.

Fixed Effects Standard Errors
term mixed gam bam bam_d
Intercept 6.88538 6.88540 6.88538 6.88538
Days 1.55957 1.55956 1.55957 1.55957

Variance components comparison

Now we move to the variance component estimates. Reported are the standard deviations for subject level random effects for intercept, Days coefficient, and residual.

Variance Components Estimates
Intercept Days Residual
mixed 25.051 5.988 25.565
gam 25.051 5.988 25.565
bam 25.051 5.988 25.565
bam_d 25.051 5.988 25.565

We can also look at their interval estimates. We use the profile likelihood for the lme4 mixed model. In this case we can see slightly wider and somewhat different boundary estimates for the variance components, but not too dissimilar.

Interval Estimates for Variance Components
Model group effect variance sd sd_2.5 sd_97.5 width
mixed Subject Intercept 627.5690 25.0513 15.2586 37.7865 22.5278
Days 35.8584 5.9882 3.9641 8.7692 4.8051
Residual NA 653.5835 25.5653 22.8805 28.7876 5.9071
gam Subject Intercept 627.5712 25.0514 16.0854 39.0150 22.9297
Days 35.8580 5.9882 4.0252 8.9083 4.8830
Residual NA 653.5822 25.5652 22.7918 28.6763 5.8845
bam Subject Intercept 627.5691 25.0513 16.0853 39.0150 22.9297
Days 35.8582 5.9882 4.0253 8.9083 4.8830
Residual NA 653.5838 25.5653 22.7918 28.6763 5.8845
bam_d Subject Intercept 627.5691 25.0513 16.0853 39.0150 22.9297
Days 35.8582 5.9882 4.0253 8.9083 4.8830
Residual NA 653.5838 25.5653 22.7918 28.6763 5.8845

Estimated random effects

Now let’s look at the random effect estimates.

mixed_re_init = extract_ranef(mixed_model, digits = 5)
gam_re_init   = extract_ranef(ga_model, digits = 5)
bam_re_init   = extract_ranef(ba_model, digits = 5)
bam_d_re_init = extract_ranef(ba_d_model, digits = 5)

We’ll start with the random effects for the intercept. To several decimal places, we start to see differences, so again we know they aren’t doing exactly the same thing, but they are coming to the same conclusion.

Estimated Random Intercepts
bam_d_re_init bam_re_init gam_re_init mixed_re_init
1.51270 1.51270 1.51272 1.51266
-40.37390 -40.37390 -40.37397 -40.37387
-39.18104 -39.18104 -39.18111 -39.18103
24.51890 24.51890 24.51893 24.51892
22.91443 22.91443 22.91446 22.91445
9.22197 9.22197 9.22199 9.22198
17.15612 17.15612 17.15614 17.15612
-7.45173 -7.45173 -7.45174 -7.45174
0.57872 0.57872 0.57870 0.57876
34.76793 34.76793 34.76800 34.76790
-25.75432 -25.75432 -25.75436 -25.75433
-13.86504 -13.86504 -13.86504 -13.86506
4.91598 4.91598 4.91598 4.91599
20.92904 20.92904 20.92908 20.92903
3.25865 3.25865 3.25865 3.25864
-26.47583 -26.47583 -26.47585 -26.47585
0.90565 0.90565 0.90565 0.90565
12.42176 12.42176 12.42178 12.42175

Random effects for the Days coefficient.

Estimated Random Intercepts
bam_d_re_init bam_re_init gam_re_init mixed_re_init
9.32349 9.32349 9.32348 9.32350
-8.59917 -8.59917 -8.59916 -8.59918
-5.38779 -5.38779 -5.38778 -5.38779
-4.96865 -4.96865 -4.96865 -4.96865
-3.19393 -3.19393 -3.19394 -3.19394
-0.30849 -0.30849 -0.30850 -0.30849
-0.28721 -0.28721 -0.28721 -0.28721
1.11599 1.11599 1.11599 1.11599
-10.90597 -10.90597 -10.90596 -10.90598
8.62762 8.62762 8.62760 8.62762
1.28069 1.28069 1.28069 1.28069
6.75640 6.75640 6.75640 6.75641
-3.07513 -3.07513 -3.07513 -3.07514
3.51221 3.51221 3.51220 3.51221
0.87305 0.87305 0.87305 0.87305
4.98379 4.98379 4.98379 4.98379
-1.00529 -1.00529 -1.00529 -1.00529
1.25840 1.25840 1.25840 1.25840

Standard errors for the random effects. In the balanced design these are essentially constant across clusters. We can see that the Bayesian estimates from mgcv reflect greater uncertainty.

The bam results may actually be slightly different for some clusters.

Standard Errors of the Random Coefficients
Model Intercepts Days
mixed 12.239 2.335
gam 13.279 2.673
bam 13.279 2.673
bam_discrete 13.279 2.673

Comparisons to Bayesian Estimates

As we have noted, one of the differences between lme4 and mgcv output is that the default uncertainty estimates for the GAM are Bayesian. As such, it might be interesting to compare these to a fully Bayes approach. We’ll use rstanarm, which uses the lme4 style syntax.

For those familiar with Bayesian models, the Stan group provides a vignette with information about the priors in this model and comparisons to lme4 and gamm4.
bayes = stan_lmer(Reaction ~ Days + (1|Subject) + (0 + Days|Subject), 
                  data = sleepstudy,
                  cores = 4)

bayes_fe = extract_fixed_effects(bayes)
bayes_vc = extract_vc(bayes)
bayes_re = extract_random_effects(bayes)
Bayesian fixed effects
term value se lower_2.5 upper_97.5
Intercept 251.276 7.054 237.681 265.017
Days 10.415 1.695 7.156 13.757
Bayesian variance components
group effect variance sd sd_2.5 sd_97.5 var_prop
Subject Intercept 697.634 26.413 15.909 39.397 0.497
Subject Days 43.464 6.593 4.253 9.501 0.031
Residual NA 662.481 25.739 NA NA 0.472
Bayesian random effects
effect group value se lower_2.5 upper_97.5
Intercept 308 1.421 12.347 -22.778 25.621
Intercept 309 -39.502 12.347 -63.701 -15.302
Intercept 310 -38.157 12.347 -62.356 -13.957
Intercept 330 23.994 12.347 -0.205 48.194
Intercept 331 22.666 12.347 -1.533 46.866
Intercept 332 9.140 12.347 -15.060 33.339
Intercept 333 16.476 12.347 -7.724 40.676
Intercept 334 -7.232 12.347 -31.432 16.968
Intercept 335 0.946 12.347 -23.254 25.145
Intercept 337 33.940 12.347 9.741 58.140
Intercept 349 -25.148 12.347 -49.347 -0.948
Intercept 350 -13.861 12.347 -38.061 10.338
Intercept 351 5.064 12.347 -19.136 29.263
Intercept 352 20.650 12.347 -3.550 44.849
Intercept 369 3.039 12.347 -21.161 27.238
Intercept 370 -25.923 12.347 -50.123 -1.724
Intercept 371 1.149 12.347 -23.051 25.348
Intercept 372 12.153 12.347 -12.047 36.353
Days 308 9.406 2.417 4.668 14.143
Days 309 -8.680 2.417 -13.417 -3.942
Days 310 -5.383 2.417 -10.120 -0.645
Days 330 -4.862 2.417 -9.599 -0.124
Days 331 -3.052 2.417 -7.790 1.685
Days 332 -0.274 2.417 -5.011 4.464
Days 333 -0.119 2.417 -4.857 4.618
Days 334 1.189 2.417 -3.549 5.927
Days 335 -10.870 2.417 -15.607 -6.132
Days 337 8.819 2.417 4.081 13.557
Days 349 1.280 2.417 -3.457 6.018
Days 350 6.778 2.417 2.040 11.515
Days 351 -3.036 2.417 -7.773 1.702
Days 352 3.589 2.417 -1.149 8.326
Days 369 0.940 2.417 -3.797 5.678
Days 370 4.968 2.417 0.231 9.706
Days 371 -0.979 2.417 -5.717 3.758
Days 372 1.359 2.417 -3.378 6.097
Random effect standard errors
effect group value se lower_2.5 upper_97.5
Intercept 308 1.421 12.347 -22.778 25.621
Intercept 309 -39.502 12.347 -63.701 -15.302
Intercept 310 -38.157 12.347 -62.356 -13.957
Intercept 330 23.994 12.347 -0.205 48.194
Intercept 331 22.666 12.347 -1.533 46.866
Intercept 332 9.140 12.347 -15.060 33.339
Intercept 333 16.476 12.347 -7.724 40.676
Intercept 334 -7.232 12.347 -31.432 16.968
Intercept 335 0.946 12.347 -23.254 25.145
Intercept 337 33.940 12.347 9.741 58.140
Intercept 349 -25.148 12.347 -49.347 -0.948
Intercept 350 -13.861 12.347 -38.061 10.338
Intercept 351 5.064 12.347 -19.136 29.263
Intercept 352 20.650 12.347 -3.550 44.849
Intercept 369 3.039 12.347 -21.161 27.238
Intercept 370 -25.923 12.347 -50.123 -1.724
Intercept 371 1.149 12.347 -23.051 25.348
Intercept 372 12.153 12.347 -12.047 36.353
Days 308 9.406 2.417 4.668 14.143
Days 309 -8.680 2.417 -13.417 -3.942
Days 310 -5.383 2.417 -10.120 -0.645
Days 330 -4.862 2.417 -9.599 -0.124
Days 331 -3.052 2.417 -7.790 1.685
Days 332 -0.274 2.417 -5.011 4.464
Days 333 -0.119 2.417 -4.857 4.618
Days 334 1.189 2.417 -3.549 5.927
Days 335 -10.870 2.417 -15.607 -6.132
Days 337 8.819 2.417 4.081 13.557
Days 349 1.280 2.417 -3.457 6.018
Days 350 6.778 2.417 2.040 11.515
Days 351 -3.036 2.417 -7.773 1.702
Days 352 3.589 2.417 -1.149 8.326
Days 369 0.940 2.417 -3.797 5.678
Days 370 4.968 2.417 0.231 9.706
Days 371 -0.979 2.417 -5.717 3.758
Days 372 1.359 2.417 -3.378 6.097

We can see that the mgcv estimates for standard errors of the random effects are close to the average standard errors from the fully Bayesian approach. For the Bayesian result we have 12.347 and 2.417 for Intercept and Days coefficient respectively, while for mgcv this is 13.27913 and 2.67273.

Back to the initial problem

So we’ve established that both default gam and bam functions are providing what we want. However, the reason we’re here is to use demonstrate the speed gain we’ll get with big data using mgcv for mixed models. So let’s return to the binary outcome example that took over a minute for lme4 to run.

  bam_big <- bam(
    y_bin ~ x + b + s(g, bs='re'), 
    data = d,
    nthreads = 8,
    family = binomial

    user   system  elapsed 
8164.817  120.570 1298.584 

That didn’t actually improve our situation, and was much worse in time- more than 20 minutes! Remember though, that the mgcv approach has to estimate all those random effect coefficients, while lme4 is able to take advantage of design for mixed models among other things.

However, even here we haven’t used all our secret weapons. Another option with bam works on a modified data set using binned/rounded values for continuous covariates, and working with only the minimum data necessary to estimate the coefficients(S. N. Wood, Goude, and Shaw 2015a). With large enough data, as is the case here, the estimated parameters might not be different at all, while the efficiency gains could be tremendous. Let’s add discrete = TRUE and see what happens.

We just need the distinct set of values after rounding.
  bam_big_d <- bam(
    y_bin ~ x + b + s(g, bs='re'), 
    data = d,
    nthreads = 8,
    family = binomial, 
    discrete = TRUE

   user  system elapsed 
 43.542   2.649  12.387 

Wow! That was almost as fast as lme4 with the linear mixed model! Let’s check the results. We’ll start with the fixed effects. I add some digits to the result so we can see the very slight differences.

Fixed Effects
Model term value se lower_2.5 upper_97.5
True (Intercept) 0.00000000 NA NA NA
True x 0.50000000 NA NA NA
True b 0.25000000 NA NA NA
bam_big Intercept 0.03730496 0.02257804 -0.00694725 0.08155716
bam_big x 0.50087021 0.00223195 0.49649565 0.50524476
bam_big b 0.19083417 0.03209232 0.12793430 0.25373405
bam_big_d Intercept 0.03730460 0.02257842 -0.00694835 0.08155755
bam_big_d x 0.50087441 0.00223195 0.49649987 0.50524895
bam_big_d b 0.19083450 0.03209286 0.12793357 0.25373543
mixed_big_glmm Intercept 0.03734700 0.02254374 -0.00683792 0.08153193
mixed_big_glmm x 0.50136881 0.00223342 0.49699138 0.50574624
mixed_big_glmm b 0.19104484 0.03205912 0.12821011 0.25387957

Now for the variance components.

Variance Components
Model sd variance
true 0.500 0.250
bam_big 0.503 0.253
bam_big_d 0.503 0.253
lme4 0.503 0.253

And finally, let’s look at the estimated random effects for the first 5 clusters.

Just a note, unless you have very many observations per cluster, you should not expect to get very close to the true values of the random effects except on average, which should serve as a caution for any 2-step approach one might undertake using the estimates. The rank correlations of the estimates vs. the true values in this example are 1.0.
Estimated Random Effects
cluster true bam_big bam_big_d lme4
1 0.0912404 -0.036 -0.036 -0.036
2 0.1310768 0.148 0.148 0.148
3 -0.0562572 -0.142 -0.143 -0.143
4 0.6194238 0.556 0.556 0.556
5 -0.5022289 -0.415 -0.415 -0.415

So we’re getting what we should in general.

When to use bam

The following are some guidelines for when bam might be preferable compared to other mixed modeling tools. To help with this, I’ve conducted my own examinations on very large data sets of up to one million observations, and included timing results from other relevant studies, which will be presented here.

Linear Mixed Models

As we’ll see, in general you’ll probably need very large data for bam to be preferred to lme4 for linear mixed models unless:

  • You have complicated structure that begins to bog down lme4
  • You want to add smooth terms1
  • You have memory issues
  • You have a computing setup that can take advantage of bam

The following shows some timings for lme4, glmmTMB, and mgcv for the linear mixed model case under a variety of settings with large data. In some sense, this is not exactly a fair comparison as mgcv parallelizes computations while lme4 and glmmTMB do not. However, this is also exactly the point of the demonstration - those who can, do. In general though, the lme4 advantage holds until around 500k observations. We can see that the main issue for bam is not so much the sample size, but the number of parameters to estimate.

For lme4, I set at least one argument to possibly improve speed/performance for both lme and glmm models, though this only shaved a few seconds for the largest sample size settings for the linear mixed model. For mgcv I only used 12 cores for parallelization so as to be similar to what is common on modern machines (8-12), but anyone with access to a better machine or cluster computing environment would see even more speed gain by utilizing additional cores, so I also looked at 16 cores. For glmmTMB, settings were left at defaults, as I’ve not come across any specific speed recommendations. See Brooks et al.(Brooks et al. 2017) (Brooks et al. (2017)) for more speed comparisons of glmmTMB, mgcv, lme4, and others, as well as the glmmTMB vignette.

Generalized Linear Mixed Models

For the generalized setting with binary, count, and other outcomes:

  • lme4, at least at the time of this writing, will almost certainly start giving convergence warnings even in well-behaved data settings, and as such, will require tweaking to mitigate.
  • glmmTMB is probably viable up to 100k and one or two random effects, but may generally be a slower option.
  • Use mgcv for same reasons as with linear mixed models, but here it potentially becomes an advantage with as few as 100k.

I have also done some timings on a local machine with as many as 10000 levels for one of the random effects, 1000 for the other, and 5 million observations. Depending on the computational setup, this could take 30 minutes for a linear mixed model and 24 cores, to 2-3 hours for a logistic mixed model using 12 cores.

Other options

When looking into mixed models for big data, you typically won’t find much in the way of options. I’ve seen some packages or offerings for some machine learning approaches like random forests2, but this doesn’t address the issue of large data. A Spark module provided by LinkedIn is available, photonML, but it’s not clear how easy it is to implement. Julia has recently made multithreading a viable option for any function. This is notable since Doug Bates, one of the lme4 authors, develops the MixedModels module for Julia. Should multithreading functionality be added, it could be a very powerful tool3.

Among proprietary options, SAS and Stata are the more commonly used tools. SAS PROC HPMIXED essentially uses the lme4 approach, but can be faster for well-behaved data. Stata, while commonly used for mixed models, is generally slower than the lme4 even for standard settings, and is likely prohibitively slow for settings above4.

SAS uses disk rather than RAM for processing, so may be preferred for low RAM devices.

Here is a summary of other timings of various tools for mixed models.

McCoach et al. 2018

These are the results from McCoach et al.(McCoach et al. 2018) with a standard linear mixed model. Sample size fixed at 10000, with a single grouping factor with only 50 levels. Models included five covariates each with a random slope. In the first five cases, a true variance parameter was set to zero, a situation lme4 handles well5. SAS is very speedy for such settings if data is well-behaved.

Brooks et al. 2018 timing as a function of sample size

Brooks et al. uses the Salamander data from the glmmTMB package. It has a single grouping factor for the random effect with 23 levels. Starting sample size is 644, which is then replicated to produce larger data. This is a negative binomial count model. In this particular setting glmmTMB has an advantage.

Brooks et al. 2018 timing as a function of number of levels

This data is simulated based on models from the previous, and adds increasing numbers of (balanced) levels to the random effect. This shows a similar effect of the number of levels on mgcv as the simulation presented in this post, though they are not using the functionality of bam.

glmmTMB timings

As previously noted, depending on the data, and whether the target is assumed gaussian or not, glmmTMB might be preferable. For the following, in the first case a small data set was replicated to create larger data, and in the second, a larger data set was sub-sampled6. The advantage is to glmmTMB in the first case, and lme4 in the second.


There are limitations to the use of the mgcv approach.

  • The number of parameters to estimate increases with the number of random effect levels, which may void any gains until very large data with complex models
  • No estimation of random effect correlations, e.g. between slopes and intercepts

All in all, these are pretty minor, and the last one likely will be remedied in a future release.


The take home point here is that you now have viable tools to run mixed models on even very large data with millions of observations. This doesn’t mean you won’t have to wait for it, especially for more complicated models, but you may even be able to run some of these on standard machines in reasonable times. The alternative estimation procedures may even make otherwise problematic models more feasible in smaller data settings. Good luck!


Simulation Settings

I will set up a repo with the simulation code at some point and link it here. But the settings for the timings can be summarized as follows.

Linear mixed model

The following are for the linear mixed model. N is the sample size, balanced refers to whether a random 75% sample was taken with proportion equivalent to the group index (first grouping variable for both 1 and 2 random effect settings), and tau_2 is zero if there is only one random effect, or refers to the standard deviation of the second random effect. Each of these settings was run 5 times, and the previous visualizations display the average timing of those.

N balanced tau_2
1e+04 0.75 0.0
1e+04 0.75 0.5
1e+04 1.00 0.0
1e+04 1.00 0.5
5e+04 0.75 0.0
5e+04 0.75 0.5
5e+04 1.00 0.0
5e+04 1.00 0.5
1e+05 0.75 0.0
1e+05 0.75 0.5
1e+05 1.00 0.0
1e+05 1.00 0.5
5e+05 0.75 0.0
5e+05 0.75 0.5
5e+05 1.00 0.0
5e+05 1.00 0.5
1e+06 0.75 0.0
1e+06 0.75 0.5
1e+06 1.00 0.0
1e+06 1.00 0.5

Held constant are:

  • The number of covariates: 20, all drawn from a standardized normal distribution
  • Fixed effect coefficients: drawn from a random uniform (-1, 1)
  • Residual standard deviation: 1
  • The number of levels in each factor: 1000 for the first, 100 for the second
  • The standard deviations of the random effects: .5 for both

Generalized linear mixed model

For the generalized linear mixed model, the settings are the same but we also add a case where the outcome is rare or not in this binary setting (~ 10% prevalence or less).

N balanced tau_2 rare
1e+04 0.75 0.0 FALSE
1e+04 0.75 0.0 TRUE
1e+04 0.75 0.5 FALSE
1e+04 0.75 0.5 TRUE
1e+04 1.00 0.0 FALSE
1e+04 1.00 0.0 TRUE
1e+04 1.00 0.5 FALSE
1e+04 1.00 0.5 TRUE
5e+04 0.75 0.0 FALSE
5e+04 0.75 0.0 TRUE
5e+04 0.75 0.5 FALSE
5e+04 0.75 0.5 TRUE
5e+04 1.00 0.0 FALSE
5e+04 1.00 0.0 TRUE
5e+04 1.00 0.5 FALSE
5e+04 1.00 0.5 TRUE
1e+05 0.75 0.0 FALSE
1e+05 0.75 0.0 TRUE
1e+05 0.75 0.5 FALSE
1e+05 0.75 0.5 TRUE
1e+05 1.00 0.0 FALSE
1e+05 1.00 0.0 TRUE
1e+05 1.00 0.5 FALSE
1e+05 1.00 0.5 TRUE
5e+05 0.75 0.0 FALSE
5e+05 0.75 0.0 TRUE
5e+05 0.75 0.5 FALSE
5e+05 0.75 0.5 TRUE
5e+05 1.00 0.0 FALSE
5e+05 1.00 0.0 TRUE
5e+05 1.00 0.5 FALSE
5e+05 1.00 0.5 TRUE
1e+06 0.75 0.0 FALSE
1e+06 0.75 0.0 TRUE
1e+06 0.75 0.5 FALSE
1e+06 0.75 0.5 TRUE
1e+06 1.00 0.0 FALSE
1e+06 1.00 0.0 TRUE
1e+06 1.00 0.5 FALSE
1e+06 1.00 0.5 TRUE

Function arguments

For g/lmer I set check.derivatives = FALSE and for the GLMM I additionally set nAGQ = 0, as this is precisely the setting one would do so7. I did not mess with the optimizers but it is possible to get a speed gain there in some settings. See performance tips here and demonstrated here.

For bam I set the following.

  • gc.level = 0
  • use.chol = TRUE
  • nthreads = 12/16
  • chunk.size = 1000
  • samfrac = .1

glmmTMB was left at defaults as I’m not aware of a specific approach for speed gain.


Brooks, Mollie E., Kasper Kristensen, Koen J. van Benthem, Arni Magnusson, Casper W. Berg, Anders Nielsen, Hans J. Skaug, Martin Mächler, and Benjamin M. Bolker. 2017. “glmmTMB Balances Speed and Flexibility Among Packages for Zero-Inflated Generalized Linear Mixed Modeling.” The R Journal 9 (2): 378–400. https://journal.r-project.org/archive/2017/RJ-2017-066.
Li, Zheyuan, and Simon N. Wood. 2019. “Faster Model Matrix Crossproducts for Large Generalized Linear Models with Discretized Covariates.” Statistics and Computing, March. https://doi.org/10.1007/s11222-019-09864-2.
McCoach, D Betsy, Graham G Rifenbark, Sarah D Newton, Xiaoran Li, Janice Kooken, Dani Yomtov, Anthony J Gambino, and Aarti Bellara. 2018. “Does the Package Matter? A Comparison of Five Common Multilevel Modeling Software Packages.” Journal of Educational and Behavioral Statistics 43 (5): 594–627. https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.3102/1076998618776348.
Wood, Simon. 2012. “Mgcv: Mixed GAM Computation Vehicle with GCV/AIC/REML Smoothness Estimation,” October. https://researchportal.bath.ac.uk/en/publications/mgcv-mixed-gam-computation-vehicle-with-gcvaicreml-smoothness-est.
Wood, Simon N. 2017. Generalized Additive Models : An Introduction with r, Second Edition. Chapman; Hall/CRC. https://doi.org/10.1201/9781315370279.
Wood, Simon N., Yannig Goude, and Simon Shaw. 2015a. “Generalized Additive Models for Large Data Sets.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 64 (1): 139–55. https://doi.org/10.1111/rssc.12068.
———. 2015b. “Generalized Additive Models for Large Data Sets.” Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series C (Applied Statistics) 64 (1): 139–55. https://doi.org/10.1111/rssc.12068.
Wood, Simon N., Zheyuan Li, Gavin Shaddick, and Nicole H. Augustin. 2017. “Generalized Additive Models for Gigadata: Modeling the u.k. Black Smoke Network Daily Data.” Journal of the American Statistical Association 112 (519): 1199–1210. https://doi.org/10.1080/01621459.2016.1195744.


  1. You could use construct the smooth with mgcv and add it to the model matrix for lme4.↩︎

  2. See REEMtree, mixRF for example.↩︎

  3. While I haven’t seen it done, so it may have to serve as a later post, it should be possible to use deep learning tools like Keras or fastai by regularizing only weights associated with the random effects. If one takes an actual deep learning approach, then one can estimate functions of the ‘fixed’ covariates (like the smooth terms in typical GAM) and possibly get at correlations of the clusters themselves (a la spatial random effects).↩︎

  4. See McCoach reference (McCoach et al. 2018). They also look at HLM and Mplus. However, I haven’t in years consulted with anyone across dozens of disciplines that was using HLM for mixed models. With Mplus, the verbosity of the syntax, plus additional data processing required, plus huge lack of post-processing of the model would negate any speed gain one might get from simply running the model. Couple this with the fact that campus-wide licenses are rare for either, neither could be recommended for mixed models. Note also, that one setting of lmer probably would have negated almost all their reported convergence issues.↩︎

  5. See McCoach reference (McCoach et al. 2018). They also look at HLM and Mplus. However, I haven’t in years consulted with anyone across dozens of disciplines that was using HLM for mixed models. With Mplus, the verbosity of the syntax, plus additional data processing required, plus huge lack of post-processing of the model would negate any speed gain one might get from simply running the model. Couple this with the fact that campus-wide licenses are rare for either, neither could be recommended for mixed models. Note also, that one setting of lmer probably would have negated almost all their reported convergence issues.↩︎

  6. “In general, we expect glmmTMB‘s advantages over lme4 to be (1) greater flexibility (zero-inflation etc.); (2) greater speed for GLMMs, especially those with large number of ’top-level’ parameters (fixed effects plus random-effects variance-covariance parameters). In contrast, lme4 should be faster for LMMs.”↩︎

  7. See this R user group thread for a discussion, this stackoverflow exchange involving one of the lme4 contributors, and Bates Julia notebook for more detail.↩︎



BibTeX citation:
  author = {Clark, Michael and Clark, Michael},
  title = {Mixed {Models} for {Big} {Data}},
  date = {2019-10-20},
  url = {https://m-clark.github.io/posts/2019-10-20-big-mixed-models/},
  langid = {en}
For attribution, please cite this work as:
Clark, Michael, and Michael Clark. 2019. “Mixed Models for Big Data.” October 20, 2019. https://m-clark.github.io/posts/2019-10-20-big-mixed-models/.