A list of commonly used palettes with some base color and including complementary, monochromatic, analogous, split_complementary, triadic, tetradic. Otherwise, just ones I use e.g. colorbrewer, plotly or others of interest.
(Possibly) named vectors/lists of colors
orange : #ff5500
stanred: #b2001d
RdBu_11: RdBu palette from colorbrewer for sequence of 11
Rblue: #1f65b7
Latvian Red: #9E1B34
Tyrian Purple: #3c6602
Tyrian Purple2: #990024 A more web friendly version
Plotly: plotly's default colorscale, because decent documentation is next to impossible for those folks. ...
For example the colortools and colorspace packages, https://colorbrewer.org, http://paletton.com/, https://www.sessions.edu/color-calculator/,