4  Generalized Linear Models

What happens when your target variable isn’t really something you feel comfortable assuming is ‘normal’? Maybe you’ve got a binary condition, like good or bad, or maybe you’ve got a count of something, like the number of times a person has been arrested. In these cases, you can use a linear regression, but it often won’t do exactly what you want. Instead, you can generalize your approach to handle these scenarios.

Generalized linear models exist to map different distributions into linear space. This allows us to use the same linear model framework that we’ve been using, but with different types of data. These models generalize the linear model to incorporate different distributions of the target variable, while still using the same framework.

4.1 Key Ideas

  • A simple tweak to our previous approach allows us to generalize our linear model to account for other types of target data.
  • Common distributions such as binomial, Poisson, and others can often improve model fit and interpretability.
  • Getting familiar with just a couple distributions will allow you to really expand your modeling repertoire.

4.1.1 Why this matters

The linear model is powerful on its own, but even more so when you realize you can extend many other data settings, some of which are implicitly nonlinear! When we want to classify observations, count them, or deal with proportions and other things, very simple tweaks of our standard linear model allow us to handle such situations.

4.1.2 Good to know

Generalized linear models are a broad class of models that extend the linear model to different distributions of the target variable. In general, you’d need to have a pretty good grasp of linear regression before getting too carried away here.

4.2 Distributions & Link Functions

Remember how linear models really enjoy the whole Gaussian, i.e. ‘normal’, distribution scene? The essential form of the linear model can be expressed as follows1. We create the linear combination of our features, and then we add a normal distribution that uses that as the mean, which will naturally vary for each sample of data.

\[ y \sim \textrm{Normal}(\mu,\sigma) \] \[ \mu = \alpha + X\beta \]

Sometimes though, our data doesn’t follow a normal (Gaussian) distribution, and in these cases we rely on some other distribution that potentially fits the data better. But often these other distributions don’t have a direct link to our features, and that’s where a link function comes in.

Think of the link function as a bridge between our features and the distribution we want to use. It lets us use a linear combination of features to predict the mean or other parameters of the distribution. As an example, we can use a log to link the mean to the linear predictor, or conversely, exponentiate the linear predictor to get the mean. In this example, the log is the link function and we use its inverse to map the linear predictor back to the mean.

If you know a distribution’s ‘canonical’ link function, which is like the default for a given distribution, that is all the deeper you will probably ever need to go. At the end of the day, these link functions will link your model output to the parameters required for the distribution. The take-away here is that the link function describes how the mean or other parameters of interest are generated from the (linear) combination of features.

4.3 Logistic Regression

As we’ve seen, you will often have a binary variable that you might want to use as a target – it could be dead/alive, lose/win, quit/retain, etc. You might be tempted to use a linear regression, but you will quickly find that it’s not the best option in that setting. So let’s try something else.

4.3.1 The Binomial Distribution

Logistic regression is different than linear regression mostly because it is used with a binary target instead of a continuous one as with linear regression. We typically assume that the target follows a binomial distribution. Unlike the normal distribution,, which is characterized by its mean (\(\mu\)) and variance (\(\sigma^2\)), the binomial distribution is defined by the parameters: p (also commonly \(pi\)) and a known value n. Here, p represents the probability of a specific event occurring (like flipping heads, winning a game, or defaulting on a loan), and n is the number of trials or attempts under consideration.

However, it’s important to note that the binomial distribution doesn’t just describe the probability of a single event. It actually represents the distribution of the number of successful outcomes in n trials. In other words, it’s a count distribution that tells us how many times we can expect the event to occur in a given number of trials.

Let’s see how the binomial distribution looks with 100 trials and probabilities of “success” at p = .25, .5, and .75:

Figure 4.1: Binomial distributions for different probabilities

If we examine the distribution for a probability of .5, we will see that it is roughly centered over a total success count of 50. This tells us that we have the highest probability of encountering 50 successes if we ran 100 trials. Shifting our attention to a .75 probability of success, we see that our distribution is centered over 75. In practice we probably end up with something around that value, but on average and over repeated runs of 100 trails, the value would be \(p\cdot n\).

Since we are dealing with a number of trials, it is worth noting that the binomial distribution is a discrete distribution. If we have any interest in knowing the probability for a number of successes we can use the following formula, where \(n\) is the number of trials, \(x\) is the number of successes, and \(p\) is the probability of success:

\[ P(x) = \frac{n!}{(n-x)!x!}p^x(1-p)^{n-x} \tag{4.1}\]

Now let’s see how the binomial distribution relates to the linear model space:

\[y \sim \textrm{Binomial}(n, p) \]

\[ \textrm{logit}(p) = \alpha + X\beta \]

The logit function is defined as:


We are literally just taking the log of the odds (the log odds become important later).

Now we can map this back to our model:

\[\textrm{log}\frac{p}{1-p} = \alpha + X\beta\]

And finally, we can take that logistic function and invert it (the inverse-logit function) to produce the probabilities.

\[p = \frac{\textrm{exp}(\alpha + X\beta)}{1 + \textrm{exp}(\alpha + X\beta)}\]

or equivalently:

\[p = \frac{1}{1 + \textrm{exp}(-(\alpha + X\beta))}\]

Whenever we get coefficients for the logistic regression model, the default result is almost always on the log odds scale. We usually exponentiate them to get the odds ratio. For example, if we have a coefficient of .5, we would say that for every one unit increase in the predictor, the odds of the target being a “success” increase by a factor of exp(.5) = 1.6.

4.3.2 Probability, Odds, and Log Odds

Probability lies at the heart of all of this, so let’s look more closely at the relationship between the probability and log odds. In our model, the log odds are produced by the linear combination of our features. Let’s say we have a model that gives us those values for each observation. We can then convert them from the linear space to the (nonlinear) probability space with our inverse-logit function, which might look something like this

Figure 4.2: Log odds and probability values

We can see that the probability of success approaches 0 when the log odds are negative and approaches 1 when the log odds are positive. The shape is something like an S which also tells that we are not in linear space when we switch to probabilities.

Log odds have a nice symmetry around 0, where the probability of success is 0.5. Any value above 0 indicates a probability of success greater than 0.5, and any value below 0 indicates a probability of success less than 0.5. However, don’t get too hung up on a .5 probability, your data will not ever be balanced, and expected model probabilities for rare events may never even reach .5.

As mentioned, logistic regression models usually report coefficients on the log-odds scale, and the coefficients reflect the odds associated with predicted probabilities given the feature at different values one unit apart. Log-odds are not the most intuitive thing to interpret. When we are more concerned with model interpretability, we often convert the coefficients to odds ratios by exponentiating them. In logistic regression models, the odds ratio is the ratio of the odds of the outcome occurring for a one unit increase in the feature.

The following function will calculate the odds ratio for two probabilities, which we can think of as prediction outcomes for two values of a feature one unit apart.

calculate_odds_ratio = function(p_1, p_2) {
    odds_1 = p_1 / (1 - p_1)
    odds_2 = p_2 / (1 - p_2)
    odds_ratio = odds_2 / odds_1
        value    = c("1", "2"),
        p        = c(p_1, p_2),
        odds     = c(odds_1, odds_2),
        log_odds = log(odds),
        odds_ratio = c(NA, odds_ratio)

result_A = calculate_odds_ratio(.5, .6)
result_B = calculate_odds_ratio(.1, .2)
result_C = calculate_odds_ratio(.9, .8)  # inverse of the .1, .2 example 

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

def calculate_odds_ratio(p_1, p_2):
    odds_1 = p_1 / (1 - p_1)
    odds_2 = p_2 / (1 - p_2)
    odds_ratio = odds_2 / odds_1
    return pd.DataFrame({
        'value': ['1', '2'],
        'p': [p_1, p_2],
        'odds': [odds_1, odds_2],
        'log_odds': [np.log(odds_1), np.log(odds_2)],
        'odds_ratio': [np.nan, odds_ratio]

result_A = calculate_odds_ratio(.5, .6)
result_B = calculate_odds_ratio(.1, .2)  
result_C = calculate_odds_ratio(.9, .8)  # inverse of the .1, .2 example

Table 4.1: Odds ratios for different probabilities
value p odds1 log_odds odds_ratio
A 1 0.50 1.00 0.00 NA
2 0.60 1.50 0.41 1.50
B 1 0.10 0.11 −2.20 NA
2 0.20 0.25 −1.39 2.25
C 1 0.90 9.00 2.20 NA
2 0.80 4.00 1.39 0.44
1 The odds ratio refers to value 2 / 1

In the table we see that even though each probability difference is the same, the odds ratio is different. This is because the difference between a probability of .5 to .6 is not as much of a change as the difference between .1 to .2. The first setting is a 20% increase in probability, whereas the second is a 100% increase in probability. However, the difference between .9 to .8 is the same as the difference between .1 to .2, as they are reflect points that are the same distance from the boundary. The odds ratio for setting C is just the inverse of setting B.

Odds ratios might be more interpretable, but since they are ratios of ratios, people have historically had a hard time those as well. The main message here is that we can take a bounded variable in probability and transform it to continuous space, and vice versa, and it may be useful to do so for interpretability2.

4.3.3 A Logistic Regression Model

For our model let’s return to our movie review data, but now we are going to use rating_good as our target. Before we get to modeling, see if you can find out the frequency of “good” and “bad” reviews, and the probability of getting a “good” review. We will use word_count and gender as our features.

df_reviews = read_csv("data/movie_reviews.csv")

# for the by-hand option later
X = df_reviews |> 
    select(word_count, male = gender) |> 
    mutate(male = ifelse(male == 'male', 1, 0)) |> 

y = df_reviews$rating_good
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

df_reviews = pd.read_csv("data/movie_reviews.csv")

# for the by-hand option later
X = (
  df_reviews[['word_count', 'gender']]
  .rename(columns = {'gender': 'male'})
  .assign(male = np.where(df_reviews[['gender']] == 'male', 1, 0))

y = df_reviews["rating_good"]

For an initial logistic regression model, we can use standard and common functions in our chosen language. Running a logistic regression model requires the specification of the family, but that’s pretty much the only difference compared to our previous linear regression. The default link function for the binomial distribution is the ‘logit’ link, so we don’t have to specify it explicitly.

model_logistic = glm(
    rating_good ~ word_count + gender, 
    data = df_reviews,
    family = binomial


glm(formula = rating_good ~ word_count + gender, family = binomial, 
    data = df_reviews)

            Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept)  1.71240    0.18136   9.442   <2e-16 ***
word_count  -0.14639    0.01551  -9.436   <2e-16 ***
gendermale   0.11891    0.13751   0.865    0.387    
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 1370.4  on 999  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 1257.4  on 997  degrees of freedom
AIC: 1263.4

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

model_logistic = smf.glm(
  'rating_good ~ word_count + gender', 
  data = df_reviews,
  family = sm.families.Binomial()

Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable: rating_good No. Observations: 1000
Model: GLM Df Residuals: 997
Model Family: Binomial Df Model: 2
Link Function: Logit Scale: 1.0000
Method: IRLS Log-Likelihood: -628.70
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 Deviance: 1257.4
Time: 14:44:39 Pearson chi2: 1.02e+03
No. Iterations: 4 Pseudo R-squ. (CS): 0.1068
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept 1.7124 0.181 9.442 0.000 1.357 2.068
gender[T.male] 0.1189 0.138 0.865 0.387 -0.151 0.388
word_count -0.1464 0.016 -9.436 0.000 -0.177 -0.116

The binomial distribution is a count distribution. The logistic regression model is used to model binary outcomes, but we can use the binomial distribution because the binary setting is a special case of the binomial distribution where the number of trials is 1, and the number of successes can only be 0 or 1. In this case we can also use the Bernoulli distribution, which does not require the number of trials, since, when the number of trials is 1 the factorial part of Equation 4.1 drops out.

Many coming from a non-statistical background are not aware that their logistic model can actually handle count and/or proportional outcomes.

4.3.4 Interpretation and Visualization

We need to know what those results mean. The coefficients that we get from our model are in log odds, but as we demonstrated we can exponentiate them to get the odds ratio. Interpreting log odds is difficult, but we can at least get a feeling for them directionally. A log odds of 0 (odds ratio of 1) would indicate no relationship between the feature and target. A positive log odds would indicate that an increase in the feature will increase the log odds of moving from “bad” to “good”, whereas a negative log odds would indicate that a decrease in the feature will decrease the log odds of moving from “bad” to “good”. On the log odds scale, the coefficients are symmetric as well, such that, e.g., a +1 coefficient denotes a similar increase in the log odds as a -1 coefficient denotes a decrease.

Raw coefficients and odds ratios for logistic regression model

Parameter Coefficient Exp. Coef (OR)
(Intercept) 1.71 5.54
word_count −0.15 0.86
gendermale 0.12 1.13

Fortunately, the intercept is easy – it is the odds of a “good” review when word count is 0 and gender is “female”. We see that we’ve got an odds ratio of 0.86 for the word count variable and 1.13 for the male variable. This means that for every one unit increase in word count, the odds of a “good” review decreases by about 14%. Males are associated with an odds of a “good” review that is 13 times higher than females.

We feel it is much more intuitive to interpret things on the probability scale, so we’ll get predicted probabilities for different values of the features. The way we do this is through the (inverse) link function, which will convert our log odds of the linear predictor to probabilities. We can then plot these probabilities to see how they change with the features. For the word count feature, we hold gender at the reference group (‘female’), and for the gender feature, we hold word count at its mean. In addition we convert the probability to the percentage chance of a “good” review.

Figure 4.3: Model predictions for word count feature

In Figure 4.3, we can see a clear negative relationship between the number of words in a review and the probability of being considered a “good” movie. As we get over 20 words, the predicted probability of being a “good” movie is less than .2. We also see the increase in the chance for a good rating with males vs. females, but our model results suggest this is not a statistically significant difference.

Figure 4.4: Model predictions for word count feature

In the end, whether you think these differences are practically significant is up to you. And you’ll still need to do the standard model exploration (Chapter 2 has lots of detail on this) further understand the model. But this is a good start.

4.3.5 Objective Function & Model Fitting

If we really want to demystify the model process, let’s create our own functions to estimate the coefficients. We can use maximum likelihood estimation to estimate the parameters of our model, which is the approach used by standard package functions. Feel free to skip this part if you only wanted the basics, but for even more information on maximum likelihood estimation, see Section 3.7 where we take a deeper dive into the topic and with a similar function. The following code is a simple but effective version of what goes on behind the scenes with ‘glm’ type functions.

my_glm = function(par, X, y, family = "binomial") {
    # add an column for the intercept
    X = cbind(1, X)

    # Calculate the linear predictor
    mu = X %*% par # %*% is matrix multiplication

    # get the likelihood for the binomial or poisson distribution
    if (family == "binomial") {
      # Convert to a probability ('logit' link/inverse)
      p = 1 / (1 + exp(-mu))
      L = dbinom(y, size = 1, prob = p, log = TRUE)
    else if (family == "poisson") {
      # Convert to a count ('log' link/inverse)
      p = exp(mu)
      L = dpois(y, lambda = p, log = TRUE)

    # return the negative sum of the log-likelihood (for minimization)
from scipy.stats import poisson, binom

def my_glm(par, X, y, family = "binomial"):
    # add an column for the intercept
    X = np.column_stack((np.ones(X.shape[0]), X))

    # Calculate the linear predictor
    mu = X.dot(par)
    # get the likelihood for the binomial or poisson distribution
    if family == "binomial":
        p = 1 / (1 + np.exp(-mu))
        L = binom.logpmf(y, 1, p)
    elif family == "poisson":
        lambda_ = np.exp(mu)
        L = poisson.logpmf(y, lambda_)
    # return the negative sum of the log-likelihood (for minimization)
    return -np.sum(L)

Now that we have our objective function, we can fit our model. We will use the optim function in R and the minimize function in Python.

init = rep(0, ncol(X) + 1)

names(init) = c('intercept', 'b1', 'b2')

fit_logistic = optim(
  par = init,
  fn  = my_glm,
  X   = X,
  y   = y,
  control = list(reltol = 1e-8)

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

init = np.zeros(X.shape[1] + 1)

fit_logistic = minimize(
    fun = my_glm,
    x0 = init,
    args = (X, y),
    method = 'BFGS'


And here is our comparison table. Looks like our little function worked well!

Table 4.2
Parameter Ours Standard
Intercept 1.7122 1.7124
Word Count −0.1464 −0.1464
Male 0.1189 0.1189

Logistic regression does not have an \(R^2\) value in the way that a linear regression model does. Instead, there are pseudo-\(R^2\) values, but they are not the same as the \(R^2\) value that you are used to seeing. You can find a great breakdown of different pseudo methods from UCLA’s Statistical Consulting Group.

4.4 Poisson Regression

Poisson regression also belongs to the class of generalized linear models, and is used specifically when you have a count variable as your target. After logistic regression for binary outcomes, Poisson regression is probably the next most common type of generalized linear model you will encounter. Unlike continuous targets, a count starts at 0 and can only be a whole number. Often it is naturally skewed as well, so we’d like a model well-suited to this situation. Unlike the binomial, there is no concept of number of trials, just the count of events.

4.4.1 The Poisson Distribution

The Poisson distribution is very similar to the binomial distribution, because the binomial is also a count distribution, and in fact generalizes the poisson3. The Poisson has a single parameter noted as \(\lambda\), which makes it the simplest model setting we’ve seen so far4. Conceptually, this rate parameter is going to estimate the expected number of events during a time interval. This can be accidents in a year, pieces produced in a day, or hits during the course of a baseball season.

Let’s see what the particular distribution might look like for a different rates. We can see that for low count values, the distribution is skewed to the right, but note how the distribution becomes more symmetric and bell-shaped as the rate increases5. You might also be able to tell that the variance increases along with the mean, and in fact, the variance is equal to the mean for the Poisson distribution.

Figure 4.5: Poisson distributions for different rates

A cool thing about these distributions is that they can deal with different exposure rates. You don’t need observations recorded over the same interval length, because you can adjust for them appropriately. They can also be used to model inter-arrival times and time-until-events.

Let’s make a new variable that will count the number of times a person uses a personal pronoun word in their review. We’ll use it as our target variable and see how it relates to the number of words and gender in a review as we did before.

df_reviews$poss_pronoun = stringr::str_count(

df_reviews['poss_pronoun'] = df_reviews['review_text'].str.count(

Figure 4.6: Distribution of the Personal Pronouns Seen Across Reviews

4.4.2 A Poisson Model

Recall that every GLM distribution has a link function that works best for it. The Poisson distribution uses a log link function:

\[y \sim \textrm{Poisson}(\lambda)\]

\[\text{log}(\lambda) = \alpha + X\beta\]

Using the log link keeps the outcome non-negative like we want. For model fitting with, with standard functions all we have to do is switch the family from binomial to Poisson. The default link is the ‘log’, so we don’t have to specify it explicitly. We can also use our own function to estimate the coefficients, as we did with the logistic regression model.

model_poisson = glm(
  poss_pronoun ~ word_count + gender,
  data = df_reviews,
  family = poisson



fit_poisson = optim(
  par = c(0, 0, 0),
  fn = my_glm,
  X = X,
  y = df_reviews$poss_pronoun,
  family = "poisson"

import statsmodels.api as sm
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

model_poisson = smf.glm(
  formula = "poss_pronoun ~ word_count",
  data = df_reviews,
  family = sm.families.Poisson()

Generalized Linear Model Regression Results
Dep. Variable: poss_pronoun No. Observations: 1000
Model: GLM Df Residuals: 998
Model Family: Poisson Df Model: 1
Link Function: Log Scale: 1.0000
Method: IRLS Log-Likelihood: -847.83
Date: Sat, 11 May 2024 Deviance: 776.19
Time: 14:44:41 Pearson chi2: 717.
No. Iterations: 5 Pseudo R-squ. (CS): 0.1975
Covariance Type: nonrobust
coef std err z P>|z| [0.025 0.975]
Intercept -1.8490 0.099 -18.599 0.000 -2.044 -1.654
word_count 0.1031 0.006 16.030 0.000 0.091 0.116
fit_poisson = minimize(
  fun = my_glm,
  x0 = np.zeros(X.shape[1] + 1),
  args = (X, df_reviews["poss_pronoun"], "poisson")


4.4.3 Interpretation and Visualization

Like with logistic, we can exponentiate the coefficients to get what’s now referred to as the rate ratio. This is the ratio of the rate of the outcome occurring for a one unit increase in the feature.

Rate ratios for poisson regression model

Parameter Coefficient Exp. Coef Our result (raw)
(Intercept) −1.888 0.151 −1.888
word_count 0.104 1.109 0.104
gendermale 0.080 1.083 0.080

For this model, an increase in one review word leads to an expected log count increase of ~0.1. We can exponentiate this to get 1.11 - which tells us that every added word in a review gets us a 11% increase in the number of possessive pronouns. This is probably not a surprising result - wordier stuff has more types of words!

But as usual, the visualization tells the better story. Notice too that the predictions are not discrete, but continuous. This is because predictions here are the same as with our other models, and reflect the expected or average counts.

Figure 4.7: Poisson regression predictions for word count feature

With everything coupled together, we have an interpretable coefficient for word_count, a clear plot, and adequate model fit. Therefore, we might conclude that there is a positive relationship between the number of words in a review on the number of times a person uses a personal possessive.

Did you notice that both our effects for word count in the logistic (Figure 4.3) and Poisson (Figure 4.7) models were not exactly the straightest of lines? Once we’re on the probability and count scales, we’re not going to see the same linear relationships that we might expect from a basic linear model due to the transformation. If we plot the effect on the log-odds or log-count scale, we’re back to straight lines. This is a first taste in how the linear model can be used to get at nonlinear relationships, which are of the focus of Chapter 5.

4.5 How Did We Get Here?

4.6 Wrapping Up

So at this point you have standard linear regression with the normal distribution for continuous targets, logistic regression for binary/proportional ones via the binomial distribution, and Poisson regression for counts. These models combine to provide much of what you need for starting out in the modeling world, and all serve well as baseline models for comparison when using more complex methods (Section 7.4). However, what we’ve seen is just a tiny slice of the potential universe of distributions that you could use. Here is a brief list of some that are still in the GLM family proper and others that can be useful6:

Other Core GLM (available in standard functions):

  • Gamma: For continuous, positive targets that are skewed.
  • Inverse Gaussian: For continuous, positive targets that are skewed and have a long tail.

Others (some fairly common):

  • Beta: For continuous targets that are bounded between 0 and 1.
  • Log-Normal: For continuous targets that are skewed. Essentially what you get with linear regression and logging the target7.
  • Tweedie: Generalizes several core GLM family distributions.

In the ballpark:

  • Negative Binomial: For count targets that are overdispersed.
  • Multinomial: Typically used for categorical targets with more than two categories, but like the binomial, it is actually a more general (multivariate) count distribution.
  • Student t: For continuous targets that are distributed similar to normal but with heavier tails.
  • Categorical/Ordinal: For categorical targets with more than two categories, or ordered categories. In the former case, it’s a different distribution than the multinomial but applied to the same setting.
  • Quasi *: For example quasipoisson. These ‘quasi-likelihoods’ served a need at one point that is best served by other methods.

You’ll typically need separate packages to fit some of these, but most often the tools keep to a similar functional approach. The main thing is to know that certain distributions might fit your data a bit better than others, and that you can use both the same basic framework and mindset to fit them, and maybe get a little closer to the answer you seek about your data!

4.6.1 The Thread

GLMs extend your standard linear model as a powerful tool for modeling a wide range of data types. They are a great way to get started with more complex models, and even allow us to linear models in a not so linear way. It’s best to think of GLMs more broadly than the strict statistical definition, and consider many models like ordinal regression, ranking models, survival analysis, and more as part of the same extension.

4.6.2 Choose Your Own Adventure

At this point you have a pretty good sense of what linear models have to offer, but there’s even more! You can start to look at more complex models that build on these ideas, like mixed models, generalized additive models and more in Chapter 5. You can also feel confident heading into the world of machine learning (Chapter 6), where you’ll find additional ways to think about your modeling approach.

4.6.3 Additional Resources

If you are itching for a textbook, there isn’t any shortage of them out there and you can essentially take your pick, though most purely statistical treatments are going to be a bit dated at this point, but still accurate and maybe worth your time.

  • Generalized Linear Models (McCullagh (2019)) is a classic text on the subject, but it is a bit dense and not for the faint of heart, or even Nelder and Wedderburn (1972), which is a very early treatment.

For more accessible fare that doesn’t lack on core details either:

  • An Introduction to Generalized Linear Models is generally well regarded (Dobson and Barnett (2018)).
  • Generalized Linear Models is more accessible (Hardin and Hilbe (2018)).
  • Roback and Legler’s Beyond Multiple Linear Regression, available for free.
  • Applied Regression Analysis and Generalized Linear Models (Fox (2015))
  • Generalized Linear Models with Examples in R (Dunn and Smyth (2018))

4.7 Exercise

Use the classic heart disease data to conduct a logistic regression and see how well you can predict the presence of heart disease with features such as age, sex, cholesterol, and more. (Section B.3)

Use the fish data to conduct a Poisson regression and see how well you can predict the number of fish caught based on the other variables like how many people were on the trip, how many children, whether live bait was used etc. (Section B.5)

  1. The y in the formula is more properly expressed as \(y | X, \theta\), where X is the matrix of features and \(\theta\) the parameters estimated by the model. We’ll keep it simple here.↩︎

  2. For more on interpreting odds ratios, see this article.↩︎

  3. If your binomial setting has a very large number of trials relative to the number of successes, which amounts to very small proportions \(p\), you would find that the binomial distribution would converge to the Poisson distribution.↩︎

  4. Neither the binomial nor the Poisson have a variance parameter to estimate, as the variance is determined by the mean. This is in contrast to the normal distribution, where the variance is a separate parameter. For the Poisson, the variance is equal to the mean, and for the binomial, the variance is equal to \(n*p*(1-p)\). The Poisson assumption of equal variance rarely holds up in practice, so people often use the negative binomial distribution instead.↩︎

  5. From a modeling perspective, for large mean counts you can just go back to using the normal distribution if you prefer without much losing much predictively and a gaining in interpretability.↩︎

  6. There is not strict agreement about what qualifies for being in the GLM family.↩︎

  7. But there is a variance issue to consider.↩︎