Getting started with tidyext

Data Summaries

To begin, we can load up the tidyverse and this package. I’ll also create some data that will be useful for demonstration.



df1 <- tibble(
  g1 = factor(sample(1:2, 50, replace = TRUE), labels = c('a', 'b')),
  g2 = sample(1:4, 50, replace = TRUE),
  a = rnorm(50),
  b = rpois(50, 10),
  c = sample(letters, 50, replace = TRUE),
  d = sample(c(T, F), 50, replace = TRUE)

df_miss = df1
df_miss[sample(1:nrow(df1), 10), sample(1:ncol(df1), 3)] = NA

We can start by getting a quick numerical summary for a single column. As the name suggests, this will only work with numeric data.

# A tibble: 1 x 9
      N  Mean    SD   Min    Q1 Median    Q3   Max `% Missing`
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
1    32  20.1     6  10.4  15.4   19.2  22.8  33.9           0

num_summary(df_miss$a, extra = T)
# A tibble: 1 x 11
      N  Mean    SD   Min    Q1 Median    Q3   Max `% Missing` Distinct Zeros
  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>    <dbl> <dbl>
1    40   0.1   1.1  -2.6  -0.9    0.2   0.7     2          20       40     0

Note that the result’s class is a data.frame, which makes it easy to work with.

x = num_summary(mtcars$mpg)
Rows: 1
Columns: 9
$ N           <dbl> 32
$ Mean        <dbl> 20.1
$ SD          <dbl> 6
$ Min         <dbl> 10.4
$ Q1          <dbl> 15.4
$ Median      <dbl> 19.2
$ Q3          <dbl> 22.8
$ Max         <dbl> 33.9
$ `% Missing` <dbl> 0

mtcars %>% 
  map_dfr(num_summary, .id = 'Variable')
# A tibble: 11 x 10
   Variable     N  Mean    SD   Min    Q1 Median    Q3   Max `% Missing`
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 mpg         32  20.1   6    10.4  15.4   19.2  22.8  33.9           0
 2 cyl         32   6.2   1.8   4     4      6     8     8             0
 3 disp        32 231.  124.   71.1 121.   196.  326   472             0
 4 hp          32 147.   68.6  52    96.5  123   180   335             0
 5 drat        32   3.6   0.5   2.8   3.1    3.7   3.9   4.9           0
 6 wt          32   3.2   1     1.5   2.6    3.3   3.6   5.4           0
 7 qsec        32  17.8   1.8  14.5  16.9   17.7  18.9  22.9           0
 8 vs          32   0.4   0.5   0     0      0     1     1             0
 9 am          32   0.4   0.5   0     0      0     1     1             0
10 gear        32   3.7   0.7   3     3      4     4     5             0
11 carb        32   2.8   1.6   1     2      2     4     8             0

There are also functions for summarizing missingness.

[1] 10

sum_blank(c(letters, '', '   '))
[1] 2

sum_NaN(c(1, NaN, 2))
[1] 1

When dealing with a data frame of mixed types we can use the describe_* functions.

$`Numeric Variables`
# A tibble: 3 x 10
  Variable     N  Mean    SD   Min    Q1 Median    Q3   Max `% Missing`
  <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
1 g2          50  2.54  1.13   1    2      3     3.75  4              0
2 a           50  0     1     -2.6 -0.84   0.11  0.69  2.02           0
3 b           50  9.98  3.07   4    7.25  10    12    17              0

$`Categorical Variables`
# A tibble: 29 x 4
   Variable Group Frequency   `%`
   <chr>    <fct>     <int> <dbl>
 1 g1       a            25    50
 2 g1       b            25    50
 3 c        n             5    10
 4 c        v             4     8
 5 c        e             3     6
 6 c        i             3     6
 7 c        j             3     6
 8 c        m             3     6
 9 c        r             3     6
10 c        c             2     4
# … with 19 more rows

# A tibble: 29 x 4
   Variable Group Frequency   `%`
   <chr>    <fct>     <int> <dbl>
 1 g1       a            25    50
 2 g1       b            25    50
 3 c        n             5    10
 4 c        v             4     8
 5 c        e             3     6
 6 c        i             3     6
 7 c        j             3     6
 8 c        m             3     6
 9 c        r             3     6
10 c        c             2     4
# … with 19 more rows

describe_all_num(df1, digits = 1)
# A tibble: 3 x 10
  Variable     N  Mean    SD   Min    Q1 Median    Q3   Max `% Missing`
  <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
1 g2          50   2.5   1.1   1     2      3     3.8     4           0
2 a           50   0     1    -2.6  -0.8    0.1   0.7     2           0
3 b           50  10     3.1   4     7.2   10    12      17           0

Note how the categorical data result is just as ready for visualization as the numeric, as it can be filtered by the Variable column. It also has an option to deal with NA and some other stuff.

describe_all_cat(df_miss, include_NAcat = TRUE, sort_by_freq = TRUE) %>%
  filter(Variable == 'g1') %>%
  ggplot(aes(x=Group, y=`%`)) +
  geom_col(width = .25)

Typically during data processing, we are performing grouped operations. As such there is a corresponding num_by and cat_by to provide the same information by some grouping variable. This basically is saving you from doing group_by %>% summarize() and creating variables for all these values. It can also take a set of variables to summarize using vars.

df_miss %>% 
  num_by(a, group_var = g2)
# A tibble: 5 x 11
# Groups:   g2 [5]
     g2 Variable     N  Mean    SD   Min    Q1 Median    Q3   Max `% Missing`
  <int> <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
1     2 a           11   0.1   1.1  -2.1  -0.5    0.2   0.6   2             0
2     3 a           11  -0.2   1.1  -2.6  -0.8   -0.2   0.4   1.7           0
3    NA a            0 NaN    NA    NA    NA     NA    NA    NA           100
4     1 a           10   0.1   1.1  -1.3  -0.9    0.4   1     1.6           0
5     4 a            8   0.4   1    -1.1  -0.2    0.6   1.1   1.5           0

df_miss %>% 
  num_by(vars(a, b), group_var = g2)
# A tibble: 10 x 11
# Groups:   g2 [5]
      g2 Variable     N  Mean    SD   Min    Q1 Median    Q3   Max `% Missing`
   <int> <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
 1     2 a           11   0.1   1.1  -2.1  -0.5    0.2   0.6   2             0
 2     2 b           11   9.9   2.5   6     8     10    12    14             0
 3     3 a           11  -0.2   1.1  -2.6  -0.8   -0.2   0.4   1.7           0
 4     3 b           11   9.9   3.1   5     7     10    12    14             0
 5    NA a            0 NaN    NA    NA    NA     NA    NA    NA           100
 6    NA b           10   8.7   3.9   4     5.5    8    11.8  15             0
 7     1 a           10   0.1   1.1  -1.3  -0.9    0.4   1     1.6           0
 8     1 b           10  11.6   2.6   8    10.2   11    12.8  17             0
 9     4 a            8   0.4   1    -1.1  -0.2    0.6   1.1   1.5           0
10     4 b            8   9.8   3     6     8      8.5  12    15             0

For categorical variables summarized by group, you can select whether the resulting percentage is irrespective of the grouping.

df1 %>% 
         group_var = g1, 
         perc_by_group = TRUE)
# A tibble: 4 x 5
# Groups:   g1 [2]
  g1    d         N `% of Total` `% of g1`
  <fct> <lgl> <int>        <dbl>     <dbl>
1 a     FALSE    10           20        40
2 a     TRUE     15           30        60
3 b     FALSE    10           20        40
4 b     TRUE     15           30        60

df1 %>% 
         group_var = g1, 
         perc_by_group = FALSE, 
         sort_by_group = FALSE)
# A tibble: 4 x 4
  g1    d         N `% of Total`
  <fct> <lgl> <int>        <dbl>
1 a     FALSE    10           20
2 a     TRUE     15           30
3 b     FALSE    10           20
4 b     TRUE     15           30

Data Processing

In addition there are some functions for data processing. We can start with the simple one-hot encoding function.

onehot(iris) %>% 
  slice(c(1:2, 51:52, 101:102))
    Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species_setosa Species_versicolor Species_virginica
1            5.1         3.5          1.4         0.2              1                  0                 0
2            4.9         3.0          1.4         0.2              1                  0                 0
51           7.0         3.2          4.7         1.4              0                  1                 0
52           6.4         3.2          4.5         1.5              0                  1                 0
101          6.3         3.3          6.0         2.5              0                  0                 1
102          5.8         2.7          5.1         1.9              0                  0                 1

It can do it sparsely.

iris %>% 
  slice(c(1:2, 51:52, 101:102)) %>% 
  onehot(sparse = TRUE)
6 x 3 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
  Species_xsetosa Species_xversicolor Species_xvirginica
1               1                   .                  .
2               1                   .                  .
3               .                   1                  .
4               .                   1                  .
5               .                   .                  1
6               .                   .                  1

Choose a specific variable, whether you want to keep the others, and how to deal with NA.

df_miss %>%
  onehot(var = c('g1', 'g2'), nas = 'na.omit', keep.original = FALSE) %>%
           a  b c     d g1_a g1_b g2_1 g2_2 g2_3 g2_4
1  0.1348980 12 o FALSE    0    1    0    1    0    0
2  0.1175821  5 r  TRUE    1    0    0    0    1    0
3 -0.8255891 14 p FALSE    0    1    0    1    0    0
4 -2.1352363  7 l FALSE    1    0    0    1    0    0
5  0.2142085 10 n  TRUE    0    1    0    1    0    0
6 -0.9470681 11 s FALSE    1    0    0    0    1    0

With create_prediction_data, we can quickly create data for use with predict after a model. By default it will put numeric variables at their mean, and categorical variables at their most common category.

  Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
1     5.843333    3.057333        3.758    1.199333  setosa

create_prediction_data(iris, num = function(x) quantile(x, p=.25))
  Sepal.Length Sepal.Width Petal.Length Petal.Width Species
1          5.1         2.8          1.6         0.3  setosa

We can also supply specific values.

cd = data.frame(cyl=4, hp=100)
create_prediction_data(mtcars, conditional_data = cd)
  cyl  hp      mpg     disp     drat      wt     qsec     vs      am   gear   carb
1   4 100 20.09062 230.7219 3.596563 3.21725 17.84875 0.4375 0.40625 3.6875 2.8125

For modeling purposes, we often want to center or scale the data, take logs etc. The pre_process function will standardize numeric data by default.

# A tibble: 50 x 6
   g1        g2      a        b c     d    
   <fct>  <dbl>  <dbl>    <dbl> <chr> <lgl>
 1 b     -0.478  0.133  0.659   o     FALSE
 2 a      0.408  0.116 -1.62    r     TRUE 
 3 b     -0.478 -0.828  1.31    p     FALSE
 4 a     -0.478 -2.14  -0.972   l     FALSE
 5 b     -0.478  0.212  0.00652 n     TRUE 
 6 a      0.408 -0.949  0.333   s     FALSE
 7 a      0.408 -0.654 -0.972   i     FALSE
 8 a     -0.478  0.727 -0.972   n     FALSE
 9 b     -1.36   1.05  -1.95    s     TRUE 
10 a      0.408  0.100 -1.95    j     TRUE 
# … with 40 more rows

Other options are to simply center the data (scale_by = 0), start some variables at zero (e.g. time indicators), log some variables (with chosen base), and scale some to range from zero to one.

            scale_by = 0, 
            log_vars = vars(mpg, wt), 
            zero_start = vars(cyl), 
            zero_one = vars(hp, starts_with('d'))) %>% 
# A tibble: 11 x 10
   Variable     N  Mean    SD   Min    Q1 Median    Q3   Max `% Missing`
   <chr>    <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>  <dbl> <dbl> <dbl>       <dbl>
 1 mpg         32  2.96  0.3   2.34  2.74   2.95  3.13  3.52           0
 2 cyl         32  2.19  1.79  0     0      2     4     4              0
 3 disp        32  0.4   0.31  0     0.12   0.31  0.64  1              0
 4 hp          32  0.33  0.24  0     0.16   0.25  0.45  1              0
 5 drat        32  0.39  0.25  0     0.15   0.43  0.53  1              0
 6 wt          32  1.12  0.32  0.41  0.95   1.2   1.28  1.69           0
 7 qsec        32  0     1.79 -3.35 -0.96  -0.14  1.05  5.05           0
 8 vs          32  0     0.5  -0.44 -0.44  -0.44  0.56  0.56           0
 9 am          32  0     0.5  -0.41 -0.41  -0.41  0.59  0.59           0
10 gear        32  0     0.74 -0.69 -0.69   0.31  0.31  1.31           0
11 carb        32  0     1.62 -1.81 -0.81  -0.81  1.19  5.19           0

Note that center/standardizing is done to any numeric variables not chosen for log, zero_start, and zero_one.

Here’s a specific function you will probably never need, but will be glad to have if you do. Some data columns have multiple entries for each observation/cell. While it’s understandable why someone would do this, it’s not very good practice. This will split out the entries, or any particular combination of them, into their own indicator column.

d = data.frame(id = 1:4, labs = c('A-B', 'B-C-D-E', 'A-E', 'D-E'))

  data = d,
  var = 'labs',
  max_m = 2,
  sep = '-',
  collapse = ':',
  toInteger = T
  id    labs                                                                                                combo A B A:B C D E B:C B:D B:E C:D C:E D:E A:E
1  1     A-B                                                                                            A, B, A:B 1 1   1 0 0 0   0   0   0   0   0   0   0
2  2 B-C-D-E B, C, D, E, B:C, B:D, B:E, C:D, C:E, D:E, B:C, B:D, B:E, C:D, C:E, D:E, B:C, B:D, B:E, C:D, C:E, D:E 0 1   0 1 1 1   1   1   1   1   1   1   0
3  3     A-E                                                                                            A, E, A:E 1 0   0 0 0 1   0   0   0   0   0   0   1
4  4     D-E                                                                                            D, E, D:E 0 0   0 0 1 1   0   0   0   0   0   1   0

  data = d,
  var = 'labs',
  max_m = 2,
  sparse = T
4 x 13 sparse Matrix of class "dgCMatrix"
   [[ suppressing 13 column names 'A', 'B', 'A_B' ... ]]
1 1 1 1 . . . . . . . . . .
2 . 1 . 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 .
3 1 . . . . 1 . . . . . . 1
4 . . . . 1 1 . . . . . 1 .

Oftentimes I need to create a column that represents the total scores or means of just a few columns. This is a slight annoyance in the tidyverse, and there isn’t much support behind the dplyr:rowwise function. As such, tidyext has a couple simple wrappers for row_sums, row_means, and row_apply.

d = data.frame(x = 1:3,
               y = 4:6,
               z = 7:9,
               q = NA)

d  %>%
  x y z  q sum
1 1 4 7 NA   5
2 2 5 8 NA   7
3 3 6 9 NA   9

d  %>%
  x y z  q mean
1 1 4 7 NA    4
2 2 5 8 NA    5
3 3 6 9 NA    6

 d ,
 .fun = function(x)
   apply(x, 1, paste, collapse = '')
  x y z  q var
1 1 4 7 NA 147
2 2 5 8 NA 258
3 3 6 9 NA 369