General updates as outlined in the roadmap. Addresses changes in {brms}, adds some minor functionality, and generally makes some other under-the-hood improvements.
- This update was primarily to make sure the package continues to work with able to model objects created by recent versions of the modeling packages (e.g. lme4, glmmTMB, etc.). Some functionality was modified for
regarding glmmTMB extended objects (e.g. with ar1
), and some clarification in some error/warning messages.
- Minor bug fixes (issues #14-15), enhancements (#16-17), and other issues (e.g. #18).
- Extend exponentiate to summarize_model, extend extract_random_effects to multivariate models, minor fixes (e.g. issue #12).
- Add group counts for extract_random_effects.
- Add converge_it for lme4 models.
- Add brmsfit method for extract_het_var and notable doc updates.
- Add more functionality for rstanarm objects
- Add summarize_model, extract_cor_structure
- Add gam method for extract* functions
- Add brms method for extract_random_coefs
- Add extract_fixed to get fixed effects
- Add brms method for extract_random_effects
- Minor edit to fix ordering and names for extract_vc.lme
- Add method to extract_vc for brmsfit objects
- Core functions for primary packages working
- extract_random_effects includes n/lme method
- Add extract_random_effects
- Add glmmTMB method for for extract_vc
- Add initial functionality for extracting variance components
- A couple functions for a few packages