Methods for brmsfit objects
This is all the fun stuff to play with after running a model
[1] add_ic as.array as.matrix
[5] as.mcmc autocor bayes_factor bayes_R2
[9] bridge_sampler coef control_params expose_functions
[13] extract_draws family fitted fixef
[17] formula getCall hypothesis kfold
[21] launch_shinystan log_lik log_posterior logLik
[25] loo LOO loo_linpred loo_model_weights
[29] loo_predict loo_predictive_interval loo_R2 marginal_effects
[33] marginal_smooths model.frame model_weights neff_ratio
[37] ngrps nobs nsamples nuts_params
[41] pairs parnames plot post_prob
[45] posterior_average posterior_interval posterior_linpred posterior_predict
[49] posterior_samples posterior_summary pp_average pp_check
[53] pp_mixture predict predictive_error predictive_interval
[57] print prior_samples prior_summary ranef
[61] residuals rhat stancode standata
[65] stanplot summary tidy update
[69] VarCorr vcov waic WAIC
see '?methods' for accessing help and source code