Linear models

Get a simple coefficient plot4

For linear models, one might be interested in some notion of \(R^2\)

Automatically get an interval estimate as well

    Estimate  Est.Error      Q2.5     Q97.5
R2 0.8180078 0.03055521 0.7410065 0.8528425

Mixed models can include random effects or not

    Estimate  Est.Error      Q2.5     Q97.5
R2 0.2815599 0.06296109 0.1561139 0.4018669
    Estimate  Est.Error      Q2.5     Q97.5
R2 0.7908612 0.01784671 0.7497048 0.8206132

  1. I prefer my own package visibly for this. There are a couple other plotting functions for some of the common brms models (e.g. glm, mixed)