Bayesian Nonparametric Models

The following provides some conceptual code for the Chinese restaurant and Indian buffet process for categorical and continuous/combinations of categorical latent variables respectively. For more detail, see the Bayesian nonparametric section of my structural equation modeling document.

Chinese Restaurant Process

To start, we have a couple functions demonstrating the Chinese restaurant process. The first is succinct and more conceptual, but notably slower.

crp <- function(alpha, n) {
  table_assignments = 1
  for (i in 2:n){
    table_counts = table(table_assignments)       # counts of table assignments
    nt = length(table_counts)                     # number of tables  
    table_prob = table_counts/(i - 1 + alpha)     # probabilities of previous table assignments
    # sample assignment based on probability of current tables and potential next table
    current_table_assignment = sample(1:(nt+1), 1, prob = c(table_prob, 1 - sum(table_prob)))
    # concatenate new to previous table assignments
    table_assignments = c(table_assignments, current_table_assignment)  

The following function is similar to the restaurant function here, and notably faster.

crpF <- function(alpha, n) {
  table_assignments = c(1, rep(NA, n-1))
  table_counts = 1
  for (i in 2:n){
    init =  c(table_counts, alpha)
    table_prob = init/sum(init)
    current_table_assignment = sample(seq_along(init), 1, prob = table_prob)
    table_assignments[i] = current_table_assignment
    if (current_table_assignment == length(init)) {
      table_counts[current_table_assignment] = 1
    } else {
      table_counts[current_table_assignment] = table_counts[current_table_assignment] + 1

# library(microbenchmark)
# test  = microbenchmark(crp(alpha = 1, n = 1000),
#                        crpF(alpha = 1, n = 1000), times = 100)
# test
# ggplot2::autoplot(test)

Visualize some examples at a given setting.

out = replicate(5 , crpF(alpha = 1, n = 500), simplify = FALSE)


  function(x) data.frame(table(x)),
  .id = 'result'
) %>% 
  rename(cluster = x) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(cluster, Freq)) +
  geom_col() +
  facet_grid(~ result)

Visualize cluster membership. With smaller alpha, there is more tendency to stick to fewer clusters.


n = 100

crp_1 = crp(alpha = 1, n = n)

crp_1_mat = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n_distinct(crp_1))

for (i in 1:n_distinct(crp_1)) {
  crp_1_mat[, i] = ifelse(crp_1 == i, 1, 0)

crp_4 = crp(alpha = 5, n = n)

crp_4_mat = matrix(0, nrow = n, ncol = n_distinct(crp_4))

for (i in 1:n_distinct(crp_4)) {
  crp_4_mat[, i] = ifelse(crp_4 == i, 1, 0)
  Rowv = FALSE,
  Colv = FALSE,
  colors = scico::scico(n = 256, alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1),
  width = 400
  Rowv = FALSE,
  Colv = FALSE,
  colors = scico::scico(n = 256, alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1),
  width = 400

Indian Buffet Process

The following demonstrates the Indian buffet process for continuous latent variable settings.

ibp <- function(alpha, N){
  # preallocate assignments with upper bound of N*alpha number of latent factors
  assignments = matrix(NA, nrow = N, ncol = N*alpha) 
  # start with some dishes/assignments
  dishes = rpois(1, alpha)      
  zeroes = ncol(assignments) - dishes   # fill in the rest of potential dishes
  assignments[1, ] = c(rep(1, dishes), rep(0, zeroes))
  for(i in 2:N){
    prev = i - 1
    # esoteric line that gets the last dish sampled without a search for it
    last_previously_sampled_dish = sum(colSums(assignments[1:prev, , drop = FALSE]) > 0)    
    # initialize 
    dishes_previously_sampled = matrix(0, nrow=1, ncol=last_previously_sampled_dish)
    # calculate probability of sampling from previous dishes
    dish_prob = colSums(assignments[1:prev, 1:last_previously_sampled_dish, drop = FALSE]) / i
    dishes_previously_sampled[1, ] = rbinom(n    = last_previously_sampled_dish,
                                            size = 1,
                                            prob = dish_prob)
    # sample new dish and assign based on results
    new_dishes = rpois(1, alpha/i)
    zeroes = ncol(assignments) - (last_previously_sampled_dish + new_dishes)
    assignments[i,] = c(dishes_previously_sampled, rep(1,new_dishes), rep(0, zeroes))
  # return only the dimensions sampled
  last_sampled_dish = sum(colSums(assignments[1:prev,]) > 0) 
  assignments[, 1:last_sampled_dish]

As before, we can compare different settings.


ibp_1 = ibp(1, 100)
ibp_4 = ibp(5, 100)

  Rowv   = FALSE,
  Colv   = FALSE,
  colors = scico::scico(n = 256, alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1),
  width  = 400
  Rowv   = FALSE,
  Colv   = FALSE,
  colors = scico::scico(n = 256, alpha = 1, begin = 0, end = 1),
  width  = 400