Stochastic Gradient Descent

Here we have ‘online’ learning via stochastic gradient descent. See the standard gradient descent chapter. In the following, we have basic data for standard regression, but in this ‘online’ learning case, we can assume each observation comes to us as a stream over time rather than as a single batch, and would continue coming in. Note that there are plenty of variations of this, and it can be applied in the batch case as well. Currently no stopping point is implemented in order to trace results over all data points/iterations. On revisiting this much later, I thought it useful to add that I believe this was motivated by the example in Murphy’s Probabilistic Machine Learning text.

Data Setup

Create some data for a standard linear regression.



n  = 1000
x1 = rnorm(n)
x2 = rnorm(n)
y  = 1 + .5*x1 + .2*x2 + rnorm(n)
X  = cbind(Intercept = 1, x1, x2)


The estimating function using the adagrad approach.

sgd <- function(
  par,                       # parameter estimates
  X,                         # model matrix
  y,                         # target variable
  stepsize = 1,              # the learning rate
  stepsize_tau = 0,          # if > 0, a check on the LR at early iterations
  average = FALSE            # a variation of the approach
  # initialize
  beta = par
  names(beta) = colnames(X)
  betamat = matrix(0, nrow(X), ncol = length(beta))      # Collect all estimates
  fits = NA                                      # Collect fitted values at each point
  loss = NA                                      # Collect loss at each point
  s = 0                                          # adagrad per parameter learning rate adjustment
  eps  = 1e-8                                    # a smoothing term to avoid division by zero
  for (i in 1:nrow(X)) {
    Xi   = X[i, , drop = FALSE]
    yi   = y[i]
    LP   = Xi %*% beta                           # matrix operations not necessary, 
    grad = t(Xi) %*% (LP - yi)                   # but makes consistent with standard gd func
    s    = s + grad^2                            # adagrad approach
    # update
    beta = beta - stepsize/(stepsize_tau + sqrt(s + eps)) * grad 

    if (average & i > 1) {
      beta =  beta - 1/i * (betamat[i - 1, ] - beta)          # a variation
    betamat[i,] = beta
    fits[i]     = LP
    loss[i]     = (LP - yi)^2
    grad_old = grad
  LP = X %*% beta
  lastloss = crossprod(LP - y)
    par    = beta,                               # final estimates
    par_chain = betamat,                         # estimates at each iteration
    RMSE   = sqrt(sum(lastloss)/nrow(X)),
    fitted = LP


Set starting values.

starting_values = rep(0, 3)

For any particular data you might have to fiddle with the stepsize, perhaps choosing one based on cross-validation with old data.

fit_sgd = sgd(
  X = X,
  y = y,
  stepsize     = .1,
  stepsize_tau = .5,
  average = FALSE

List of 4
 $ par      : num [1:3, 1] 1.024 0.537 0.148
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:3] "Intercept" "x1" "x2"
  .. ..$ : NULL
 $ par_chain: num [1:1000, 1:3] -0.06208 -0.00264 0.04781 0.09866 0.08242 ...
 $ RMSE     : num 1.01
 $ fitted   : num [1:1000, 1] 0.198 1.218 1.379 -0.141 1.358 ...
Intercept 1.0241049
x1        0.5368198
x2        0.1478470


We can compare to standard linear regression.

# summary(lm(y ~ x1 + x2))
coef1 = coef(lm(y ~ x1 + x2))
Intercept x1 x2
fit_sgd 1.024 0.537 0.148
lm 1.030 0.518 0.163

Visualize Estimates

Data Set Shift

This data includes a shift of the previous data, where the data fundamentally changes at certain times.

Data Setup

We’ll add data with different underlying generating processes.


n2   = 1000
x1.2 = rnorm(n2)
x2.2 = rnorm(n2)
y2 = -1 + .25*x1.2 - .25*x2.2 + rnorm(n2)
X2 = rbind(X, cbind(1, x1.2, x2.2))
coef2 = coef(lm(y2 ~ x1.2 + x2.2))
y2 = c(y, y2)

n3    = 1000
x1.3  = rnorm(n3)
x2.3  = rnorm(n3)
y3    = 1 - .25*x1.3 + .25*x2.3 + rnorm(n3)
coef3 = coef(lm(y3 ~ x1.3 + x2.3))

X3 = rbind(X2, cbind(1, x1.3, x2.3))
y3 = c(y2, y3)


We’ll use the same function as before.

fit_sgd_shift = sgd(
  X = X3,
  y = y3,
  stepsize     = 1,
  stepsize_tau = 0,
  average = FALSE

List of 4
 $ par      : num [1:3, 1] 0.821 -0.223 0.211
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:3] "Intercept" "x1" "x2"
  .. ..$ : NULL
 $ par_chain: num [1:3000, 1:3] -1 -0.119 0.624 1.531 1.063 ...
 $ RMSE     : num 1.57
 $ fitted   : num [1:3000, 1] 0.836 0.823 0.254 1.479 0.874 ...


Compare with lm result for each data part.

Intercept x1 x2
lm_part1 1.030 0.518 0.163
lm_part2 -0.970 0.268 -0.287
lm_part3 1.045 -0.236 0.242
sgd_part1 1.086 0.513 0.146
sgd_part2 -0.925 0.295 -0.294
sgd_part3 0.821 -0.223 0.211

Visualize Estimates

Visualize estimates across iterations.

SGD Variants

The above uses the Adagrad approach for stochastic gradient descent, but there are many variations. A good resource can be found here, as well as this post covering more recent developments. We will compare the Adagrad, RMSprop, Adam, and Nadam approaches.

Data Setup

For this demo we’ll bump the sample size. I’ve also made the coefficients a little different.



n  = 10000
x1 = rnorm(n)
x2 = rnorm(n)
X  = cbind(Intercept = 1, x1, x2)
true = c(Intercept = 1, x1 = 1, x2 = -.75)

y  = X %*% true + rnorm(n)


For this we’ll add a functional component to the primary function. We create a function factory update_ff that, based on the input will create an appropriate update step (update) for use each iteration. This is mostly is just a programming exercise, but might allow you to add additional components arguments or methods more easily.

sgd <- function(
  par,                       # parameter estimates
  X,                         # model matrix
  y,                         # target variable
  stepsize = 1e-2,           # the learning rate; suggest 1e-3 for non-adagrad methods
  type = 'adagrad',          # one of adagrad, rmsprop, adam or nadam
  average = FALSE,           # a variation of the approach
  ...                        # arguments to pass to an updating function, e.g. gamma in rmsprop
  # initialize
  beta = par
  names(beta) = colnames(X)
  betamat = matrix(0, nrow(X), ncol = length(beta))      # Collect all estimates
  v    = rep(0, length(beta))                    # gradient variance (sum of squares)
  m    = rep(0, length(beta))                    # average of gradients for n/adam
  eps  = 1e-8                                    # a smoothing term to avoid division by zero
  grad_old = rep(0, length(beta))
  update_ff <- function(type, ...) {
    # if stepsize_tau > 0, a check on the LR at early iterations
    adagrad <- function(grad, stepsize_tau = 0) {
      v <<- v + grad^2  
      stepsize/(stepsize_tau + sqrt(v + eps)) * grad
    rmsprop <- function(grad, grad_old, gamma = .9) {
      v = gamma * grad_old^2 + (1 - gamma) * grad^2
      stepsize / sqrt(v + eps) * grad
    adam <- function(grad, b1 = .9, b2 = .999) {
      m <<- b1 * m + (1 - b1) * grad
      v <<- b2 * v + (1 - b2) * grad^2
      if (type == 'adam')
        # dividing v and m by 1 - b*^i is the 'bias correction'
        stepsize/(sqrt(v / (1 - b2^i)) + eps) *  (m / (1 - b1^i))
        # nadam
        stepsize/(sqrt(v / (1 - b2^i)) + eps) *  (b1 * m  +  (1 - b1)/(1 - b1^i) * grad)
      adagrad = function(grad, ...) adagrad(grad, ...),
      rmsprop = function(grad, ...) rmsprop(grad, grad_old, ...),
      adam    = function(grad, ...) adam(grad, ...),
      nadam   = function(grad, ...) adam(grad, ...)

  update = update_ff(type, ...)
  for (i in 1:nrow(X)) {
    Xi   = X[i, , drop = FALSE]
    yi   = y[i]
    LP   = Xi %*% beta                           # matrix operations not necessary, 
    grad = t(Xi) %*% (LP - yi)                   # but makes consistent with standard gd func
    # update
    beta = beta - update(grad, ...)
    if (average & i > 1) {
      beta = beta - 1/i * (betamat[i - 1, ] - beta)   # a variation
    betamat[i,] = beta
    grad_old = grad
  LP = X %*% beta
  lastloss = crossprod(LP - y)
    par = beta,                               # final estimates
    par_chain = betamat,                      # estimates at each iteration
    RMSE = sqrt(sum(lastloss)/nrow(X)),
    fitted = LP


We’ll now use all four methods for estimation.

starting_values = rep(0, ncol(X))
# starting_values = runif(3, min = -1)

fit_adagrad = sgd(
  X = X,
  y = y,
  stepsize = .1  # suggestion is .01 for many settings, but this works better here

fit_rmsprop = sgd(
  X = X,
  y = y,
  stepsize = 1e-3,
  type = 'rmsprop'

fit_adam = sgd(
  X = X,
  y = y,
  stepsize = 1e-3,
  type = 'adam'

fit_nadam = sgd(
  X = X,
  y = y,
  stepsize = 1e-3,
  type = 'nadam'


We’ll compare our results to standard linear regression and the true values.

fit Intercept x1 x2
fit_adagrad 1.0439 0.9748 -0.7459
fit_rmsprop 1.0355 0.9802 -0.7160
fit_adam 1.0429 0.9733 -0.7458
fit_nadam 1.0430 0.9735 -0.7459
fit_lm 1.0042 0.9851 -0.7510
true 1.0000 1.0000 -0.7500

Visualize Estimates

We can visualize the route of estimation for each technique. While Adagrad works well for this particular problem, in standard machine learning contexts with possibly millions of parameters, and possibly massive data, it would quickly get to a point where it is no longer updating (the denominator continues to grow). These other techniques are attempts to get around the limitations of Adagrad.