Marginal Structural Model
This is a demonstration of a simple marginal structural model for estimation of so-called ‘causal’ effects using inverse probability weighting.
Example data is from, and comparison made to, the ipw package. See more here.
Data Setup
This example is from the helpfile at ?ipwpoint
= 1000
n = data.frame(l = rnorm(n, 10, 5))
simdat = simdat$l - 10
a_lin = plogis(a_lin)
= simdat %>%
simdat mutate(
a = rbinom(n, 1, prob = pa),
y = 10 * a + 0.5 * l + rnorm(n, -10, 5)
= ipwpoint(
ipw_result exposure = a,
family = "binomial",
link = "logit",
numerator = ~ 1,
denominator = ~ l,
data = simdat
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
0.4810 0.5127 0.5285 0.9095 0.6318 74.6994
We create the weights as follows using the probabilities from a logistic regression.
= fitted(glm(a ~ 1, data = simdat, family = 'binomial'))
ps_num $a == 0] = 1 - ps_num[simdat$a == 0]
= fitted(glm(a ~ l, data = simdat, family = 'binomial'))
ps_den $a == 0] = 1 - ps_den[simdat$a == 0]
= ps_num / ps_den wts
Compare the weights.
rbind(summary(wts), summary(ipw_result$ipw.weights))
Min. 1st Qu. Median Mean 3rd Qu. Max.
[1,] 0.481 0.5127181 0.5284768 0.9094652 0.631794 74.6994
[2,] 0.481 0.5127181 0.5284768 0.9094652 0.631794 74.6994
Add inverse probability weights to the data if desired.
= simdat %>%
simdat mutate(sw = ipw_result$ipw.weights)
Create the likelihood function for using the weights.
<- function(
msm_ll # parameters to be estimated; first is taken to be sigma
par, # model matrix
X, # target variable
y, # estimated weights
) {= par[-1]
beta = X %*% beta
lp = exp(par[1]) # exponentiated value to stay positive
= dnorm(y, mean = lp, sd = sigma, log = TRUE)
ll -sum(ll * wts) # weighted likelihood
# same as
# ll = dnorm(y, mean = lp, sd = sigma)^wts
# -sum(log(ll))
We want to estimate the marginal structural model for the causal effect of a
on y
corrected for confounding by l
, using inverse probability weighting with robust standard error from the survey package. Create the matrices for estimation, estimate the model, and extract results.
= cbind(1, simdat$a)
X = simdat$y
= optim(
fit par = c(sigma = 0, intercept = 0, b = 0),
fn = msm_ll,
X = X,
y = y,
wts = wts,
hessian = TRUE,
method = 'BFGS',
control = list(abstol = 1e-12)
= exp(fit$par[1])^2
dispersion = fit$par[-1] beta
Now we compute the standard errors. The following uses the survey package raw version to get the appropriate standard errors, which the ipw approach uses.
= glm(y ~ a, data = simdat, weights = wts) # to get unscaled cov
glm_basic = resid(glm_basic, type = 'working') # residuals
res = summary(glm_basic)$cov.unscaled # weighted vcov unscaled by dispersion solve(crossprod(qr(X)))
glm_vcov_unsc = X * res * wts
estfun = estfun %*% glm_vcov_unsc x
= svyglm(
fit_msm ~ a,
y design = svydesign(~ 1, weights = ~ sw, data = simdat)
svyglm(formula = y ~ a, design = svydesign(~1, weights = ~sw,
data = simdat))
Survey design:
svydesign(~1, weights = ~sw, data = simdat)
Estimate Std. Error t value Pr(>|t|)
(Intercept) -4.375 1.142 -3.832 0.000135 ***
a 10.647 1.190 8.948 < 2e-16 ***
Signif. codes: 0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1
(Dispersion parameter for gaussian family taken to be 29.58889)
Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 2
Now get the standard errors.
= sqrt(diag(crossprod(x) * n/(n-1))) # a robust standard error
se = sqrt(diag(sandwich::sandwich(glm_basic))) # an easier way to get it
se_robust = sqrt(diag(vcov(fit_msm))) # extract from msm model se_msm
Compare standard errors.
tibble(se, se_robust, se_msm)
# A tibble: 2 x 3
se se_robust se_msm
<dbl> <dbl> <dbl>
1 1.14 1.14 1.14
2 1.19 1.19 1.19
Inspect the general fit and compare with the other.
Estimate | init_se | se_robust | t | p | dispersion |
-4.378 | 0.247 | 1.141 | -3.834 | 0 | 29.563 |
10.649 | 0.361 | 1.189 | 8.950 | 0 | 29.563 |
term | estimate | std.error | statistic | p.value |
(Intercept) | -4.375 | 1.142 | -3.832 | 0 |
a | 10.647 | 1.190 | 8.948 | 0 |
Original code available at