
Other Languages

When doing some of these models and algorithms, I had some other code to work with in another language, or, at the time, just wanted to try it in that language. There is not a whole lot here, but it still may be useful to some. Refer to the corresponding chapter of R code for context.

Python Demos

Linear Regression

Data Setup

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import norm
from scipy.optimize import minimize

np.random.seed(123) # ensures replication

# predictors and response
# increasing N will get estimated values closer to the known parameters

N = 1000 # sample size
k = 2   # number of desired predictors
X = np.matrix(np.random.normal(size = N * k)).reshape(N, k)
y = -.5 + .2*X[:, 0] + .1*X[:, 1] + np.random.normal(scale = .5, size = N).reshape(N, 1)

dfXy = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack([X, y]), columns = ['X1', 'X2', 'y'])


A maximum likelihood approach.

def lm_ml(par, X, y):
  # par: parameters to be estimated
  # X: predictor matrix with intercept column
  # y: response
  # setup
  beta   = par[1:].reshape(X.shape[1], 1)    # coefficients
  sigma  = par[0]                            # error sd
  # N = X.shape[0]
  # linear predictor
  LP = X * beta                              # linear predictor
  mu = LP                                    # identity link in the glm sense
  # calculate likelihood

  L = norm.logpdf(y, loc = mu, scale = sigma) # log likelihood; or use norm.logpdf
  # L =  -.5*N*log(sigma2) - .5*(1/sigma2)*crossprod(y-mu)    # alternate log likelihood form

  L = -np.sum(L)       # optim by default is minimization, and we want to maximize the likelihood 

An approach via least squares loss function.

def lm_ls(par, X, y):
  # par: parameters to be estimated
  # X: predictor matrix with intercept column
  # y: response
  # setup
  beta = par.reshape(3, 1)              # coefficients
  N = X.shape[0]
  p = X.shape[1]
  # linear predictor
  LP = X * beta                              # linear predictor
  mu = LP                                    # identity link in the glm sense
  # # squared error loss
  return(np.sum(np.square(y - mu)))


X_mm = np.column_stack([np.repeat(1, N).reshape(N, 1), X])

# you may get warnings, they can be ignored
fit_ml = minimize(
  fun = lm_ml,
  x0  = [1, 0, 0, 0],
  args    = (X_mm, y),
  bounds  = ((0, None), (None, None), (None, None), (None, None)),
  method  = 'L-BFGS-B', 
  tol     = 1e-12, 
  options = {'maxiter': 500}

# can use least_squares directly
# from scipy.optimize import least_squares

fit_ls = minimize(
  x0   = np.array([0, 0, 0]),
  args = (X_mm, y), 
  tol     = 1e-12, 
  options = {'maxiter': 500}


import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

model_sm_ols = smf.ols('y ~ X1 + X2', data = dfXy)
fit_sm_ols   =

  np.append(fit_ml.x[0]**2, fit_ml.x[1:]), 
  np.append( - X_mm.shape[1] - 1), fit_ls.x), 
  np.append(fit_sm_ols.scale, fit_sm_ols.params)
  columns = ['sigma','Int', 'b_X1', 'b_X2'], 
  index   = ['ML', 'OLS', 'SM']

        sigma       Int      b_X1    b_X2
ML   0.240332 -0.494647  0.213036  0.0815
OLS  0.241297 -0.494647  0.213036  0.0815
SM   0.241055 -0.494647  0.213036  0.0815    

Logistic Regression

Data Setup

import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from scipy.stats import logistic, binom
from scipy.optimize import minimize

np.random.seed(123) # ensures replication

# predictors and response
# increasing N will get estimated values closer to the known parameters

N = 2500 # sample size
k = 2   # number of desired predictors
X = np.matrix(np.random.normal(size = N * k)).reshape(N, k) 
eta = -.5 + .2*X[:, 0] + .1*X[:, 1]

pi = 1/(1 + np.exp(-eta))

y = np.random.binomial(1, p = pi, size = (N, 1))

dfXy = pd.DataFrame(np.column_stack([X, y]), columns = ['X1', 'X2', 'y'])


A maximum likelihood approach.

def logreg_ml(par, X, y):
  # par: parameters to be estimated
  # X: predictor matrix with intercept column
  # y: response
  # setup
  beta   = par.reshape(X.shape[1], 1)             # coefficients
  # N = X.shape[0]
  # linear predictor
  LP =, beta)                              # linear predictor
  mu = 1/(1 + np.exp(-LP))                   # logit link
  # calculate likelihood
  L = binom.logpmf(y, 1, mu) # log likelihood
  # L =  np.multiply(y, np.log(mu)) + np.multiply(1 - y, np.log(1 - mu))    # alternate log likelihood form

  L = -np.sum(L)       # optim by default is minimization, and we want to maximize the likelihood 

Another approach via exponential loss function.

def logreg_exp(par, X, y):
  # Arguments
  # par: parameters to be estimated
  # X: predictor matrix with intercept column
  # y: target
  # setup
  beta = par.reshape(X.shape[1], 1)                                    # coefficients
  # linear predictor
  LP =, beta)                              # linear predictor

  # calculate exponential loss function (convert y to -1:1 from 0:1)
  L = np.sum(np.exp(-np.multiply(np.where(y, 1, -1), LP) * .5))


Setup for use with optim.

X_mm = np.column_stack([np.repeat(1, N).reshape(N, 1), X])

fit_ml = minimize(
  fun = logreg_ml,
  x0  = [0, 0, 0],
  args    = (X_mm, y),
  method  = 'BFGS', 
  tol     = 1e-12, 
  options = {'maxiter': 500}

fit_exp = minimize(
  fun = logreg_exp,
  x0  = [0, 0, 0],
  args    = (X_mm, y),
  method  = 'BFGS', 
  tol     = 1e-12, 
  options = {'maxiter': 500}

pars_ml  = fit_ml.x
pars_exp = fit_exp.x


import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

model_sm_glm = smf.logit('y ~ X1 + X2', data = dfXy)
fit_sm_glm   =

  columns = ['Int', 'b_X1', 'b_X2'], 
  index   = ['fit_ml', 'fit_exp', 'SM']

              Int      b_X1      b_X2
fit_ml  -0.505637  0.234567  0.054700
fit_exp -0.504802  0.231859  0.053134
SM      -0.505637  0.234567  0.054700  

Quantile Regression

See the R chapter for details.

Data Setup

import pandas as pd
import numpy as np

# originally from quantreg package
engel = pd.read_csv('data/engel.csv')

X = np.column_stack([
y = np.asarray(engel['foodexp'])
def qreg(par, X, y, tau):
  lp =, par)
  res = y - lp
  loss = np.where(res < 0 , -(1 - tau)*res, tau*res)


We’ll estimate the median to start.

# from scipy.stats import logistic, binom
from scipy.optimize import minimize

  fun = qreg,
  x0  = [0, 0],
  args    = (X, y, .5),
  method  = 'BFGS', 
  tol     = 1e-12, 
  options = {'maxiter': 500}

Other quantiles

Now we will add additional quantiles to estimate.

pandas as pd

# quantiles
qs = [.05, .1, .25, .5, .75, .9, .95]
fit = []

for tau in qs:
  init = minimize(
    fun = qreg,
    x0  = [0, 0],
    args    = (X, y, tau),
    method  = 'BFGS', 
    tol     = 1e-12, 
    options = {'maxiter': 500}
    pd.DataFrame(init.x.reshape(1,2),  columns = ['int', 'slope'])
fit_qr = pd.concat(fit)

from plotnine import *

  ggplot(aes(x = 'income', y = 'foodexp'), data = engel) +
    geom_point() +
    geom_abline(aes(intercept = 'int', slope = 'slope', color = 'int'), 
    data = fit_qr)

Stochastic Gradient Descent

Here we use the adagrad approach as in the R demo. The dataset shift and other variants are not demonstrated.

Data Setup

Create some data for a standard linear regression.

import numpy as np


n = 10000
x1 = np.random.normal(size = n)
x2 = np.random.normal(size = n)
y = 1 + .5*x1 + .2*x2 + np.random.normal(size = n)

X = np.column_stack([np.ones(n), x1, x2])


The estimating function using the adagrad approach.

def sgd(par, X, y, stepsize, stepsize_tau = 0, average = False):
  Estimate a linear regression via stochastic gradient descent
  par: parameter estimates
  X: model matrix
  y: target variable
  stepsize: the learning rate
  stepsize_tau: if > 0, a check on the LR at early iterations
  average: an alternative method
  Returns a dictionary of the parameter estimates, the estimates for each iteration,
  the loss for each iteration, the root mean square error, and the fitted values
  using the final parameter estimates
  beta = par
  betamat = np.zeros_like(X)
  fits = np.zeros_like(y)              # if you want these across iterations
  loss = np.zeros_like(y)
  s = 0
  for i in np.arange(X.shape[0]):
    Xi = X[i]
    yi = y[i]
    LP   =, beta)                                
    grad =, LP - yi)                           
    s    = s + grad**2
    beta -= stepsize * grad/(stepsize_tau + np.sqrt(s)) 
    if average and i > 1:
      beta -= 1/i * (betamat[i - 1] - beta)
    betamat[i] = beta
    fits[i]    = LP
    loss[i]    = (LP - yi)**2
  LP =, beta)
  lastloss = - y, LP - y)
    'par': beta,                                 # final estimates
    'par_chain': betamat,                        # all estimates
    'loss': loss,                                # observation level loss
    'RMSE': np.sqrt(np.sum(lastloss)/X.shape[0]),
    'fitted': LP

Set starting values and estimate. For any particular data you might have to fiddle with the stepsize, perhaps choosing one based on cross-validation with old data.

init = np.zeros(3)

fit_sgd = sgd(
  stepsize = .1,
  stepsize_tau = .5


array([1.0172, 0.4942, 0.1937])    



We’ll compare our results to standard linear regression.

import pandas as pd
import statsmodels.formula.api as smf

df = pd.DataFrame({'x1': x1, 'x2': x2, 'y': y})

lm_fit = smf.ols('y ~ x1 + x2', df).fit()


Intercept    1.0037
x1           0.5032
x2           0.2000
dtype: float64   



import copy

    Francois Chollet's Nelder-Mead in Python.
    Pure Python/Numpy implementation of the Nelder-Mead algorithm.

def nelder_mead(
  step = 0.1,
  no_improve_thr  = 10e-6,
  no_improv_break = 10,
  max_iter = 0,
  alpha = 1.,
  gamma = 2.,
  rho   = 0.5,
  sigma = 0.5
        @param f (function): function to optimize, must return a scalar score
            and operate over a numpy array of the same dimensions as x_start
        @param x_start (numpy array): initial position
        @param step (float): look-around radius in initial step
        @no_improv_thr,  no_improv_break (float, int): break after no_improv_break iterations with
            an improvement lower than no_improv_thr
        @max_iter (int): always break after this number of iterations.
            Set it to 0 to loop indefinitely.
        @alpha, gamma, rho, sigma (floats): parameters of the algorithm
            (see Wikipedia page for reference)
        return: tuple (best parameter array, best score)

    # init
    dim = len(x_start)
    prev_best = f(x_start)
    no_improv = 0
    res = [[x_start, prev_best]]

    for i in range(dim):
        x = copy.copy(x_start)
        x[i] = x[i] + step
        score = f(x)
        res.append([x, score])

    # simplex iter
    iters = 0
    while 1:
        # order
        res.sort(key=lambda x: x[1])
        best = res[0][1]

        # break after max_iter
        if max_iter and iters >= max_iter:
            return res[0]
        iters += 1

        # break after no_improv_break iterations with no improvement
        if iters//10 == 0:
          print(' so far:', best)

        if best < prev_best - no_improve_thr:
            no_improv = 0
            prev_best = best
            no_improv += 1

        if no_improv >= no_improv_break:
            return res[0]

        # centroid
        x0 = [0.] * dim
        for tup in res[:-1]:
            for i, c in enumerate(tup[0]):
                x0[i] += c / (len(res)-1)

        # reflection
        xr = x0 + alpha*(x0 - res[-1][0])
        rscore = f(xr)
        if res[0][1] <= rscore < res[-2][1]:
            del res[-1]
            res.append([xr, rscore])

        # expansion
        if rscore < res[0][1]:
            xe = x0 + gamma*(x0 - res[-1][0])
            escore = f(xe)
            if escore < rscore:
                del res[-1]
                res.append([xe, escore])
                del res[-1]
                res.append([xr, rscore])

        # contraction
        xc = x0 + rho*(x0 - res[-1][0])
        cscore = f(xc)
        if cscore < res[-1][1]:
            del res[-1]
            res.append([xc, cscore])

        # reduction
        x1 = res[0][0]
        nres = []
        for tup in res:
            redx = x1 + sigma*(tup[0] - x1)
            score = f(redx)
            nres.append([redx, score])
        res = nres

if __name__ == "__main__":
    # test
    import math
    import numpy as np

    def f(x):
        return math.sin(x[0]) * math.cos(x[1]) * (1. / (abs(x[2]) + 1))

nelder_mead(f, np.array([0., 0., 0.]))


#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
From the wikipedia page with slight modification

def viterbi(obs, states, start_p, trans_p, emit_p):
    V = [{}]

    for st in states:
        V[0][st] = {"prob": start_p[st] * emit_p[st][obs[0]], "prev": None}

    # Run Viterbi when t > 0

    for t in range(1, len(obs)):

        for st in states:
            max_tr_prob = max(V[t-1][prev_st]["prob"]*trans_p[prev_st][st] for prev_st in states)

            for prev_st in states:
                if V[t-1][prev_st]["prob"] * trans_p[prev_st][st] == max_tr_prob:
                    max_prob = max_tr_prob * emit_p[st][obs[t]]
                    V[t][st] = {"prob": max_prob, "prev": prev_st}

    for line in dptable(V):

    opt = []

    # The highest probability
    max_prob = max(value["prob"] for value in V[-1].values())
    previous = None

    # Get most probable state and its backtrack
    for st, data in V[-1].items():
        if data["prob"] == max_prob:
            previous = st

    # Follow the backtrack till the first observation
    for t in range(len(V) - 2, -1, -1):
        opt.insert(0, V[t + 1][previous]["prev"])
        previous = V[t + 1][previous]["prev"]

    print('The steps of states are ' + ' '.join(opt) + ' with highest probability of %s' % max_prob)

def dptable(V):
    # Print a table of steps from dictionary
    yield " ".join(("%12d" % i) for i in range(len(V)))
    for state in V[0]:
        yield "%.7s: " % state + " ".join("%.7s" % ("%f" % v[state]["prob"]) for v in V)

# The function viterbi takes the following arguments: obs is the sequence of
# observations, e.g. ['normal', 'cold', 'dizzy']; states is the set of hidden
# states; start_p is the start probability; trans_p are the transition
# probabilities; and emit_p are the emission probabilities. For simplicity of
# code, we assume that the observation sequence obs is non-empty and that
# trans_p[i][j] and emit_p[i][j] is defined for all states i,j.

# In the running example, the forward/Viterbi algorithm is used as follows:

obs = ('normal', 'cold', 'dizzy')
states = ('Healthy', 'Fever')

start_p = {'Healthy': 0.6, 'Fever': 0.4}

trans_p = {
   'Healthy' : {'Healthy': 0.7, 'Fever': 0.3},
   'Fever' : {'Healthy': 0.4, 'Fever': 0.6}
emit_p = {
   'Healthy' : {'normal': 0.5, 'cold': 0.4, 'dizzy': 0.1},
   'Fever' : {'normal': 0.1, 'cold': 0.3, 'dizzy': 0.6}

Julia Demos

I haven’t played with Julia in a very long time, but briefly hacked the old code to get something that worked. As Julia has gone though notable changes, it’s doubtful these are very good as far as Julia programming standards go, though conceptually they may still provide some utility. Perhaps at some point I’ll reteach myself the basics and come back to these. In any case the code did run on a Jupyter notebook.

Mixed Models


### Main function ###

using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics

function one_factor_re_loglike(par::Vector)    
    d, ni = size(y)
    mu = par[1]
    sigma2_mu = par[2]
    sigma2 = par[3]

    Sigmai = sigma2*I(ni) + sigma2_mu*ones(ni, ni)
    l = -(ni*d)/2*log(2*pi) - d/2*log(det(Sigmai))
    for i in 1:d
      yi = y[i,:]
      l = l - .5(yi .- mu)' * (Sigmai\(yi .- mu))

    l = -l[1]
    return l
### Data set up ###

y = [22.6 20.5 20.8
     22.6 21.2 20.5
     17.3 16.2 16.6
     21.4 23.7 23.2
     20.9 22.2 22.6
     14.5 10.5 12.3
     20.8 19.1 21.3
     17.4 18.6 18.6
     25.1 24.8 24.9
     14.9 16.3 16.6]

### Starting values and test ###
using Statistics

mu0 = mean(y)
sigma2_mu0 = var(mean(y, dims = 2))
sigma20 = mean(var(y, dims = 2))
theta0  = [mu0, sigma2_mu0, sigma20]

### test
### Run ###

using Optim
res = optimize(one_factor_re_loglike, theta0, LBFGS())

 * Status: success

 * Candidate solution
    Final objective value:     6.226441e+01

 * Found with
    Algorithm:     L-BFGS

 * Convergence measures
    |x - x'|               = 2.93e-08 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |x - x'|/|x'|          = 1.49e-09 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|         = 1.42e-14 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|/|f(x')| = 2.28e-16 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |g(x)|                 = 1.17e-09 ≤ 1.0e-08

 * Work counters
    Seconds run:   1  (vs limit Inf)
    Iterations:    7
    f(x) calls:    22
    ∇f(x) calls:   22

3-element Array{Float64,1}:


using LinearAlgebra
using Statistics

function sfran2_loglike(par::Vector)
    n = length(y)
    mu = par[1]
    sigma2_alpha = exp(par[2])
    sigma2_gamma = exp(par[3])
    sigma2 = exp(par[4])

    Sigma = sigma2*I(n) + sigma2_alpha*(Xalpha * Xalpha') + sigma2_gamma * (Xgamma * Xgamma')

    l = -n/2*log(2*pi) - sum(log.(diag(cholesky(Sigma).L))) - .5*(y .- mu)' * (Sigma\(y .- mu))

    l = -l[1]
    return l
### Data setup ###
y = [1.39,1.29,1.12,1.16,1.52,1.62,1.88,1.87,1.24,1.18,

### Starting values and test ###
yhat = mean(reshape(y, 4, 5), 1)

theta0 = [mean(y), log(var(yhat)), log(var(y)/3), log(var(y)/3)]

### Run ###
using Optim
res = optimize(sfran2_loglike, theta0, method = :l_bfgs)

 * Status: success

 * Candidate solution
    Final objective value:     -1.199315e+01

 * Found with
    Algorithm:     L-BFGS

 * Convergence measures
    |x - x'|               = 6.60e-09 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |x - x'|/|x'|          = 1.08e-09 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|         = 5.33e-15 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |f(x) - f(x')|/|f(x')| = 4.44e-16 ≰ 0.0e+00
    |g(x)|                 = 7.02e-10 ≤ 1.0e-08

 * Work counters
    Seconds run:   0  (vs limit Inf)
    Iterations:    9
    f(x) calls:    23
    ∇f(x) calls:   23

4-element Array{Float64,1}:

Matlab Demos

I don’t code in Matlab, nor have any particular desire to, so this is provided here just for reference because I happened to have the code.

Mixed Models


% matlab from Statistical Modeling and Computation (2014 p 311).  See the 
% associated twofactorRE.R file for details.

function one_factor_re_loglike(mu, sigma2_mu, sigma2, y)
    [d ni] = size(y);
    Sigmai = sigma2*eye(ni) + sigma2_mu*ones(ni,ni);
    l = -(ni*d) / 2*log(2*pi) - d / 2*log(det(Sigmai));
    for i=1:d
      yi = y(i, :)';
      l = l - .5*(yi - mu)' * (Sigmai\(yi - mu));

y = [22.6 20.5 20.8;
     22.6 21.2 20.5;
     17.3 16.2 16.6;
     21.4 23.7 23.2;
     20.9 22.2 22.6;
     14.5 10.5 12.3;
     20.8 19.1 21.3;
     17.4 18.6 18.6;
     25.1 24.8 24.9;
     14.9 16.3 16.6];

f = @(theta) -one_factor_re_loglike(theta(1), theta(2), theta(3), y);
ybar = mean(y, 2);
theta0 = [mean(ybar) var(ybar) mean(var(y, 0, 2))];
thetahat = fminsearch(f, theta0);


% matlab from Statistical Modeling and Computation (2014 p 314). See the 
% associated twofactorRE.R file for details.

function sfran2_loglike(mu, eta_alpha, eta_gamma, eta, y, Xalpha, Xgamma)
  sigma2_alpha = exp(eta_alpha);
  sigma2_gamma = exp(eta_gamma);
  sigma2 = exp(eta);
  n = length(y);
  Sigma = sigma2*speye(n) + sigma2_alpha * (Xalpha * Xalpha') + sigma2_gamma * (Xgamma*Xgamma');
  l = -n/2 * log(2*pi) - sum(log(diag(chol(Sigma)))) - .5*(y - mu)' * (Sigma\(y - mu));

y = [1.39 1.29 1.12 1.16 1.52 1.62 1.88 1.87 1.24 1.18 .95 .96 .82 .92 1.18 1.20 1.47 1.41 1.57 1.65];

Xalpha = kron(speye(5),  ones(4,1));

Xgamma = kron(speye(10), ones(2,1));

f = @(theta) -sfran_loglike(theta(1), theta(2), theta(3), theta(4), y, Xalpha, Xgamma);
yhat     = mean(reshape(y, 4, 5));
theta0   = [mean(y) log(var(yhat)) log(var(y)/3) log(var(y)/3)];
thetahat = fminsearch(f, theta0)

Gaussian Processes

Any updates on the following can be found at the repo.

function S = gaussSample(arg1, arg2, arg3)
% Returns n samples (in the rows) from a multivariate Gaussian distribution
% Examples:
% S = gaussSample(mu, Sigma, 10)
% S = gaussSample(model, 100)
% S = gaussSample(struct('mu',[0], 'Sigma', eye(1)), 3)

% This file is from

switch nargin
    case 3,  mu = arg1; Sigma = arg2; n = arg3;
    case 2, model = arg1; mu =; Sigma = model.Sigma; n = arg2;
    case 1, model = arg1; mu =; Sigma = model.Sigma; n = 1; 
        error('bad num args')

A = chol(Sigma, 'lower');
Z = randn(length(mu), n);
S = bsxfun(@plus, mu(:), A*Z)';

%% Visualize the effect of change the hyper-params for a 1d GP regression
% based on demo_gpr by Carl Rasmussen
%% Generate data

% This file is from

n = 20;
covfunc = {'covSum', {'covSEiso','covNoise'}};
loghyper = [log(1.0); log(1.0); log(0.1)];
x = 15*(rand(n,1)-0.5);
y = chol(feval(covfunc{:}, loghyper, x))'*randn(n,1);        % Cholesky decomp.

xstar = linspace(-7.5, 7.5, 201)';

hyps = [log(1), log(1), log(0.1);...

%% compute post pred and plot marginals
for i=1:size(hyps,1)
  loghyper = hyps(i,:)';
  [mu, S2] = gpr(loghyper, covfunc, x, y, xstar);
  S2 = S2 - exp(2*loghyper(3)); % remove observation noise
  f = [mu+2*sqrt(S2);flipdim(mu-2*sqrt(S2),1)];
  fill([xstar; flipdim(xstar,1)], f, [7 7 7]/8, 'EdgeColor', [7 7 7]/8);
  hold on
  plot(x, y, 'k+', 'MarkerSize', 17);
  axis([-8 8 -3 3])
  printPmtkFigure(sprintf('gprDemoChangeHparams%d', i));
%% Reproduce figure 2.2 from GP book

% This file is from

L = 1;
xs = (-5:0.2:5)';
ns = length(xs);
keps = 1e-8;
muFn = @(x) 0*x(:).^2;
Kfn = @(x,z) 1*exp(-sq_dist(x'/L,z'/L)/2);

% plot sampled functions from the prior
figure; hold on
for i=1:3
  model = struct('mu', muFn(xs), 'Sigma',  Kfn(xs, xs) + 1e-15*eye(size(xs, 1)));
  fs = gaussSample(model, 1);
  plot(xs, fs, 'k-', 'linewidth', 2)

% generate noise-less training data
Xtrain = [-4, -3, -2, -1, 1]';
ftrain = sin(Xtrain);

% compute posterior predictive
K = Kfn(Xtrain, Xtrain); % K
Ks = Kfn(Xtrain, xs); %K_*
Kss = Kfn(xs, xs) + keps*eye(length(xs)); % K_** (keps is essential!)
Ki = inv(K);
postMu = muFn(xs) + Ks'*Ki*(ftrain - muFn(Xtrain));
postCov = Kss - Ks'*Ki*Ks;

figure; hold on
% plot marginal posterior variance as gray band
mu = postMu(:);
S2 = diag(postCov);
f = [mu+2*sqrt(S2);flipdim(mu-2*sqrt(S2),1)];
fill([xs; flipdim(xs,1)], f, [7 7 7]/8, 'EdgeColor', [7 7 7]/8);

% plot samples from posterior predictive
for i=1:3
  model = struct('mu', postMu(:)', 'Sigma', postCov);
  fs = gaussSample(model, 1);
  plot(xs, fs, 'k-', 'linewidth', 2)
  h=plot(Xtrain, ftrain, 'kx', 'markersize', 12, 'linewidth', 3);