Multinomial Regression

For more detail on these types of models, see my document. In general we can use multinomial models for multi-category target variables, or more generally, multi-count data.

Standard (Categorical) Model

Data Setup

First, lets get some data. 200 entering high school students make program choices: general program, vocational program, and academic program. We will be interested in their choice, using their writing score as a proxy for scholastic ability and their socioeconomic status, a categorical variable of low, middle, and high values.


program = read_dta("") %>%
  as_factor() %>%
  mutate(prog = relevel(prog, ref = "academic"))

head(program[, 1:5])
# A tibble: 6 x 5
     id female ses    schtyp prog    
  <dbl> <fct>  <fct>  <fct>  <fct>   
1    45 female low    public vocation
2   108 male   middle public general 
3    15 male   high   public vocation
4    67 male   low    public vocation
5   153 male   middle public vocation
6    51 female high   public general 
# convert to long form for mlogit
program_long = program %>%
  select(id, prog, ses, write) %>%
    data = ,
    shape = 'wide',
    choice = 'prog',
    id.var = 'id'

 first 10 observations out of 600 
   id  prog    ses write chid      alt      idx
1   1 FALSE    low    44   11 academic  11:emic
2   1 FALSE    low    44   11  general  11:eral
3   1  TRUE    low    44   11 vocation  11:tion
4   2 FALSE middle    41    9 academic   9:emic
5   2 FALSE middle    41    9  general   9:eral
6   2  TRUE middle    41    9 vocation   9:tion
7   3  TRUE    low    65  159 academic 159:emic
8   3 FALSE    low    65  159  general 159:eral
9   3 FALSE    low    65  159 vocation 159:tion
10  4  TRUE    low    50   30 academic  30:emic

~~~ indexes ~~~~
   chid id      alt
1    11  1 academic
2    11  1  general
3    11  1 vocation
4     9  2 academic
5     9  2  general
6     9  2 vocation
7   159  3 academic
8   159  3  general
9   159  3 vocation
10   30  4 academic
indexes:  1, 1, 2 

We go ahead and run a model via mlogit for later comparison.

fit_mlogit   = mlogit(prog ~ 1| write + ses, data = program_long)
mlogit_coefs = coef(fit_mlogit)[c(1,5,7,3,2,6,8,4)]  # reorder


Multinomial model via maximum likelihood

multinom_ml <- function(par, X, y) {
  levs = levels(y)
  ref  = levs[1]                # reference level (category label 1)
  y0 = y == ref
  y1 = y == levs[2]             # category 2
  y2 = y == levs[3]             # category 3
  beta = matrix(par, ncol = 2)
  # more like mnlogit package depiction in its function
  # V1 = X %*% beta[ ,1]
  # V2 = X %*% beta[ ,2]
  # ll = sum(-log(1 + exp(V1) + exp(V2))) + sum(V1[y1], V2[y2])
  V = X %*% beta                           # a vectorized approach
  baseProbVec = 1 / (1 + rowSums(exp(V)))  # reference group probabilities
  loglik = sum(log(baseProbVec))  + crossprod(c(V), c(y1, y2))
fit = optim(
  runif(8,-.1, .1),
  X = model.matrix(prog ~ ses + write, data = program),
  y = program$prog,
  control = list(
    maxit   = 1000,
    reltol  = 1e-12,
    ndeps   = rep(1e-8, 8),
    trace   = TRUE,
    fnscale = -1,
    type    = 3
  method = 'BFGS'
initial  value 638.963532 
iter  10 value 180.008322
final  value 179.981726 
# fit$par


An initial comparison.

fit_coefs mlogit_coefs
(Intercept):general 2.8522 2.8522
sesmiddle:general -0.5333 -0.5333
seshigh:general -1.1628 -1.1628
write:general -0.0579 -0.0579
(Intercept):vocation 5.2182 5.2182
sesmiddle:vocation 0.2914 0.2914
seshigh:vocation -0.9827 -0.9827
write:vocation -0.1136 -0.1136

The following uses dmultinom for the likelihood, similar to other modeling demonstrations in this document.

X = model.matrix(prog ~ ses + write, data = program)
y = program$prog
pars = matrix(fit$par, ncol = 2)
V = X %*% pars
acadprob   = 1 / (1+rowSums(exp(V)))
fitnonacad = exp(V) * matrix(rep(acadprob, 2), ncol = 2)
fits = cbind(acadprob, fitnonacad)
yind = model.matrix( ~ -1 + prog, data = program)
# because dmultinom can't take matrix for prob
ll = 0

for (i in 1:200){
  ll = ll + dmultinom(yind[i, ], size = 1, prob = fits[i, ], log  = TRUE)

[1] -179.9817
[1] -179.9817
'log Lik.' -179.9817 (df=8)

Alternative specific and constant variables

Now we add alternative specific and alternative constant variables to the previous individual specific covariates.. In this example, price is alternative invariant (Z) income is individual/alternative specific (X), and catch is alternative specific (Y).

We can use the fish data from the mnlogit package.

library(mnlogit)  # note we are now using mnlogit

           mode   income     alt   price  catch chid
1.beach   FALSE 7083.332   beach 157.930 0.0678    1
1.boat    FALSE 7083.332    boat 157.930 0.2601    1
1.charter  TRUE 7083.332 charter 182.930 0.5391    1
1.pier    FALSE 7083.332    pier 157.930 0.0503    1
2.beach   FALSE 1250.000   beach  15.114 0.1049    2
2.boat    FALSE 1250.000    boat  10.534 0.1574    2
fm  = formula(mode ~ price | income | catch)

fit_mnlogit = mnlogit(fm, Fish)
# fit_mnlogit = mlogit(fm, Fish)
# summary(fit_mnlogit)

The likelihood function.

multinom_ml <- function(par, X, Y, Z, respVec, choice) {

  # Args-
  # X dim nrow(Fish)/K x p + 1 (intercept)
  # Z, Y nrow(N); Y has alt specific coefs; then for Z ref group dropped so nrow = nrow*(K-1)/K
  # for ll everything through previous X the same
  # then calc probmat for Y and Z, add to X probmat, and add to base
  N = sum(choice)
  K = length(unique(respVec))
  levs = levels(respVec)
  xpar = matrix(par[1:6],  ncol = K-1)
  ypar = matrix(par[7:10], ncol = K)
  zpar = matrix(par[length(par)], ncol = 1)
  # Calc X
  Vx  = X %*% xpar
  # Calc Y (mnlogit finds N x 1 results by going through 1:N, N+1:N*2 etc; then
  # makes 1 vector, then subtracts the first 1:N from whole vector, then makes
  # Nxk-1 matrix with N+1:end values (as 1:N are just zero)); creating the
  # vector and rebuilding the matrix is unnecessary though
  Vy = sapply(1:K, function(alt) 
    Y[respVec == levs[alt], , drop = FALSE] %*% ypar[alt])
  Vy = Vy[,-1] - Vy[,1]
  # Calc Z
  Vz = Z %*% zpar
  Vz = matrix(Vz, ncol = 3)
  # all Vs must fit into N x K -1 matrix where N is nobs (i.e. individuals)
  V = Vx + Vy + Vz
  ll0 = crossprod(c(V), choice[-(1:N)])
  baseProbVec <- 1 / (1 + rowSums(exp(V)))
  loglik = sum(log(baseProbVec)) + ll0
  # note fitted values via
  # fitnonref = exp(V) * matrix(rep(baseProbVec, K-1), ncol = K-1)
  # fitref = 1-rowSums(fitnonref)
  # fits = cbind(fitref, fitnonref)
inits = runif(11, -.1, .1)
mdat  = mnlogit(fm, Fish)$model  # this data already ordered!

As X has a constant value across alternatives, the coefficients regard the selection of the alternative relative to reference.

X = cbind(1, mdat[mdat$`_Alt_Indx_` == 'beach', 'income'])
[1] 1182    2
     [,1]     [,2]
[1,]    1 7083.332
[2,]    1 1250.000
[3,]    1 3750.000
[4,]    1 2083.333
[5,]    1 4583.332
[6,]    1 4583.332

Y will use the complete data to start. Coefficients will be differences from the reference alternative coefficient.

Y = as.matrix(mdat[, 'catch', drop = FALSE])
[1] 4728    1

Z are difference scores from reference group.

Z = as.matrix(mdat[mdat$`_Alt_Indx_` != 'beach', 'price', drop = FALSE])
Z = Z - mdat[mdat$`_Alt_Indx_` == 'beach', 'price']
[1] 3546    1
respVec = mdat$`_Alt_Indx_` # first 10 should be 0 0 1 0 1 0 0 0 1 1 after beach dropped
multinom_ml(inits, X, Y, Z, respVec, choice = mdat$mode)
[1,] -162384.5
fit = optim(
  par = rep(0, 11),
  X = X,
  Y = Y,
  Z = Z,
  respVec = respVec,
  choice  = mdat$mode,
  control = list(
    maxit   = 1000,
    reltol  = 1e-12,
    ndeps   = rep(1e-8, 11),
    trace   = TRUE,
    fnscale = -1,
    type    = 3
  method = 'BFGS'
initial  value 1638.599935 
iter  10 value 1253.603448
iter  20 value 1199.143447
final  value 1199.143445 


Compare fits.

fit_coefs mnlogit_coefs
0.842 0.842
0.000 0.000
2.155 2.155
0.000 0.000
1.043 1.043
0.000 0.000
3.118 3.118
2.542 2.542
0.759 0.759
2.851 2.851
-0.025 -0.025
fit_ll mnlogit_ll
-1199.143 -1199.143