
Mixture Model

The following code is based on algorithms noted in Murphy, 2012 Probabilistic Machine Learning, specifically, Chapter 11, section 4.

Data Setup

This example uses Old Faithful geyser eruptions. This is only a univariate mixture for either eruption time or wait time. The next example will be doing both variables, i.e. multivariate normal. ‘Geyser’ is supposedly more accurate, though seems to have arbitrarily assigned some duration values. See this source also, but that only has intervals. Some July 1995 data is available.


# faithful data set is in base R

  eruptions waiting
1     3.600      79
2     1.800      54
3     3.333      74
4     2.283      62
5     4.533      85
6     2.883      55
eruptions  = as.matrix(faithful[, 1, drop = FALSE])
wait_times = as.matrix(faithful[, 2, drop = FALSE])


The fitting function.

em_mixture <- function(
  clusters = 2,
  tol = .00001,
  maxits  = 100,
  showits = TRUE
) {
  # Arguments are starting parameters (means, covariances, cluster probability),
  # data, number of clusters desired, tolerance, maximum iterations, and whether
  # to show iterations
  # Starting points
  N     = nrow(X)
  nams  = names(params)
  mu    = params$mu
  var   = params$var
  probs = params$probs
  # Other initializations
  # initialize cluster 'responsibilities', i.e. probability of cluster
  # membership for each observation i
  ri = matrix(0, ncol = clusters, nrow = N) 
  it = 0
  converged = FALSE
  if (showits)                                  # Show iterations
    cat(paste("Iterations of EM:", "\n"))
  while ((!converged) & (it < maxits)) { 
    probsOld = probs
    muOld = mu
    varOld = var
    riOld = ri
    # E
    # Compute responsibilities
    for (k in 1:clusters){
      ri[, k] = probs[k] * dnorm(X, mu[k], sd = sqrt(var[k]), log = FALSE)
    ri = ri/rowSums(ri)
    # M
    rk = colSums(ri)           # rk is the weighted average cluster membership size
    probs = rk/N
    mu = (t(X) %*% ri) / rk    
    var = (t(X^2) %*% ri) / rk - mu^2
    # could do mu and var via log likelihood here, but this is more straightforward

    parmlistold     = rbind(probsOld, muOld, varOld)
    parmlistcurrent = rbind(probs, mu, var)
    it = it + 1
    # if showits true, & it =1 or divisible by 5 print message
    if (showits & it == 1 | it%%5 == 0)        
      cat(paste(format(it), "...", "\n", sep = ""))
    converged = max(abs(parmlistold - parmlistcurrent)) <= tol
  clust = which(round(ri) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE) # create cluster membership
  clust = clust[order(clust[, 1]), 2]           # order according to row rather than cluster
  out = list(
    probs   = probs,
    mu      = mu,
    var     = var,
    resp    = ri,
    cluster = clust


Starting parameters require mean, variance and class probability. Note that starting values for mean must be within the data range or it will break.

start_values_1 = list(mu = c(2, 5),
                      var = c(1, 1),
                      probs = c(.5, .5))

start_values_2 = list(mu = c(50, 90),
                      var = c(1, 15),
                      probs = c(.5, .5)) 
mix_erupt   = em_mixture(start_values_1, X = eruptions,  tol = 1e-8)
Iterations of EM: 
mix_waiting = em_mixture(start_values_2, X = wait_times, tol = 1e-8)
Iterations of EM: 


Compare to flexmix package results.


flex_erupt = flexmix(eruptions ~ 1,
                     k = 2,
                     control = list(tolerance = 1e-8, iter.max = 100))

flex_wait = flexmix(wait_times ~ 1,
                    k = 2,
                    control = list(tolerance = 1e-8, iter.max = 100))

The following provides means, variances and probability of group membership. Note that the cluster label is arbitrary so cluster 1 for one model may be cluster 2 in another.


First we’ll compare results on the eruptions variable.

mean_var = rbind(mix_erupt$mu, sqrt(mix_erupt$var))
rownames(mean_var) = c('means', 'variances')
colnames(mean_var) = c('cluster 1', 'cluster 2')

mean_var_flex = parameters(flex_erupt)
rownames(mean_var_flex) = c('means', 'variances')
colnames(mean_var_flex) = c('cluster 1 flex', 'cluster 2 flex')

prob_membership      = mix_erupt$probs
prob_membership_flex = flex_erupt@size / sum(flex_erupt@size)

  params = cbind(mean_var, mean_var_flex),
  clusterpobs = cbind(prob_membership, prob_membership_flex)
          cluster 1 cluster 2 cluster 1 flex cluster 2 flex
means     2.0186078 4.2733434      2.0186378      4.2733671
variances 0.2356218 0.4370631      0.2361087      0.4378364

  prob_membership prob_membership_flex
1       0.3484046            0.3492647
2       0.6515954            0.6507353

Now we compare the result for waiting times.

mean_var = rbind(mix_waiting$mu, sqrt(mix_waiting$var))
rownames(mean_var) = c('means', 'variances')
colnames(mean_var) = c('cluster 1', 'cluster 2')

mean_var_flex = parameters(flex_wait)
rownames(mean_var_flex) = c('means', 'variances')
colnames(mean_var_flex) = c('cluster 1 flex', 'cluster 2 flex')

prob_membership      = mix_waiting$probs
prob_membership_flex = flex_wait@size / sum(flex_wait@size)

  params = cbind(mean_var, mean_var_flex),
  clusterpobs = cbind(prob_membership, prob_membership_flex)
          cluster 1 cluster 2 cluster 1 flex cluster 2 flex
means     54.614856 80.091069      54.616631      80.090988
variances  5.871219  5.867734       5.884843       5.879324

  prob_membership prob_membership_flex
1       0.3608861            0.3639706
2       0.6391139            0.6360294


Points are colored by class membership, followed by the probability of being in cluster 1.

Supplemental Example

This uses the MASS version (reversed columns). These don’t look even remotely the same data on initial inspection- geyser is even more rounded and of opposite conclusion. Turns out geyser is offset by 1, such that duration 1 should be coupled with waiting 2 and on down. Still the rounding at 2 and 4 (and whatever division was done on duration) makes this fairly poor data.

I’ve cleaned this up a little bit in case someone wants to play with it for additional practice, but it’s not evaluated.

data(geyser, package = 'MASS')

geyser = data.frame(duration = geyser$duration[-299], waiting = geyser$waiting[-1])

# compare to faithful

qplot(data = faithful, x = eruptions, y = waiting, alpha = I(.25)) /
  qplot(data = geyser, x = duration,  y = waiting, alpha = I(.25))

X3 = matrix(geyser[,1]) 
X4 = matrix(geyser[,2])

# MASS version
test3 = em_mixture(start_values_1, X = X3, tol = 1e-8)
test4 = em_mixture(start_values_2, X = X4, tol = 1e-8)

flexmod3 = flexmix(X3 ~ 1,
                   k = 2,
                   control = list(tolerance = 1e-8, iter.max = 100))
flexmod4 = flexmix(X4 ~ 1,
                   k = 2,
                   control = list(tolerance = 1e-8, iter.max = 100))

# note variability differences compared to faithful dataset
# Eruptions/Duration
mean_var = rbind(test3$mu, sqrt(test3$var))
rownames(mean_var) = c('means', 'variances')

mean_var_flex = parameters(flexmod3)
rownames(mean_var_flex) = c('means', 'variances')

prob_membership = test3$probs
prob_membership_flex = flexmod3@size / sum(flexmod3@size)

  params = cbind(mean_var, mean_var_flex),
  clusterpobs = cbind(prob_membership, prob_membership_flex)

# Waiting
mean_var = rbind(test4$mu, sqrt(test4$var))
rownames(mean_var) = c('means', 'variances')

mean_var_flex = parameters(flexmod4)
rownames(mean_var_flex) = c('means', 'variances')

prob_membership = test4$probs
prob_membership_flex = flexmod4@size / sum(flexmod4@size)

  params = cbind(mean_var, mean_var_flex),
  clusterpobs = cbind(prob_membership, prob_membership_flex)

# Some plots

qplot(x = eruptions, y = waiting, data = faithful)

ggplot(aes(x = eruptions, y = waiting), data = faithful) +
  geom_point(aes(color = factor(mix_waiting$cluster)))

ggplot(aes(x = eruptions, y = waiting), data = faithful) +
  geom_point(aes(color = mix_waiting$resp[, 1]))

Multivariate Mixture Model

The following code is based on algorithms noted in Murphy, 2012 Probabilistic Machine Learning. Specifically, Chapter 11, section 4.


This estimating function will be used for both examples.

em_mixture <- function(
  clusters = 2,
  tol = .00001,
  maxits   = 100,
  showits  = TRUE
  ) {
  # Arguments are 
  # params: starting parameters (means, covariances, cluster probability)
  # X: data 
  # clusters: number of clusters desired
  # tol: tolerance
  # maxits: maximum iterations
  # showits: whether to show iterations
  # Starting points
  N     = nrow(X)
  mu    = params$mu
  var   = params$var
  probs = params$probs
  # initializations
  # cluster 'responsibilities', i.e. probability of cluster membership for each
  # observation i
  ri = matrix(0, ncol=clusters, nrow=N)       
  ll = 0                                        # log likelihood
  it = 0                                        # iteration count
  converged = FALSE                             # convergence
  # Show iterations if showits == true
  if (showits)                                  
    cat(paste("Iterations of EM:", "\n"))
  while (!converged & it < maxits) { 
    probsOld = probs
    # muOld = mu                # Use direct values or loglike for convergence check
    # varOld = var
    llOld = ll
    riOld = ri
    ### E
    # Compute responsibilities
    for (k in 1:clusters){
      ri[,k] = probs[k] * dmvnorm(X, mu[k, ], sigma = var[[k]], log = FALSE)
    ri = ri/rowSums(ri)
    ### M
    rk = colSums(ri)            # rk is weighted average cluster membership size
    probs = rk/N
    for (k in 1:clusters){
      varmat = matrix(0, ncol = ncol(X), nrow = ncol(X))    # initialize to sum matrices
      for (i in 1:N){
        varmat = varmat + ri[i,k] * X[i,]%*%t(X[i,])
      mu[k,]   = (t(X) %*% ri[,k]) / rk[k]
      var[[k]] =  varmat/rk[k] - mu[k,]%*%t(mu[k,])
      ll[k] = -.5*sum( ri[,k] * dmvnorm(X, mu[k,], sigma = var[[k]], log = TRUE) )
    ll = sum(ll)
    # compare old to current for convergence
    parmlistold =  c(llOld, probsOld)           # c(muOld, unlist(varOld), probsOld)
    parmlistcurrent = c(ll, probs)              # c(mu, unlist(var), probs)
    it = it + 1
    # if showits true, & it =1 or modulo of 5 print message
    if (showits & it == 1 | it%%5 == 0)         
      cat(paste(format(it), "...", "\n", sep = ""))
    converged = min(abs(parmlistold - parmlistcurrent)) <= tol
  clust = which(round(ri) == 1, arr.ind = TRUE)        # create cluster membership
  clust = clust[order(clust[,1]), 2]            # order accoring to row rather than cluster
    probs   = probs,
    mu      = mu,
    var     = var,
    resp    = ri,
    cluster = clust,
    ll      = ll

Example 1: Old Faithful

This example uses Old Faithful geyser eruptions as before. This is can be compared to the univariate code from the other chapter. See also http://www.geyserstudy.org/geyser.aspx?pGeyserNo=OLDFAITHFUL

Data Setup




Create starting values and estimate.

mustart  = rbind(c(3, 60), c(3, 60.1))    # must be at least slightly different
covstart = list(cov(faithful), cov(faithful))
probs    = c(.01, .99)

# params is a list of mu, var, and probs 
starts = list(mu = mustart, var = covstart, probs = probs)  
mix_faithful = em_mixture(
  params = starts,
  X = as.matrix(faithful),
  clusters = 2,
  tol      = 1e-12,
  maxits   = 1500,
  showits  = TRUE
Iterations of EM: 
List of 6
 $ probs  : num [1:2] 0.356 0.644
 $ mu     : num [1:2, 1:2] 2.04 4.29 54.48 79.97
 $ var    :List of 2
  ..$ : num [1:2, 1:2] 0.0692 0.4352 0.4352 33.6973
  .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. ..$ : NULL
  .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "eruptions" "waiting"
  ..$ : num [1:2, 1:2] 0.17 0.941 0.941 36.046
  .. ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. .. ..$ : NULL
  .. .. ..$ : chr [1:2] "eruptions" "waiting"
 $ resp   : num [1:272, 1:2] 2.59e-09 1.00 8.42e-06 1.00 1.00e-21 ...
 $ cluster: int [1:272] 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 2 1 2 ...
 $ ll     : num 477



Compare to mclust results. Options are set to be more similar to the settings demonstrated.


mix_mclust = mclust::Mclust(
  faithful[, 1:2],
  modelNames = 'VVV',
  control = emControl(tol = 1e-12)


# str(mix_mclust, 1)

Compare means.

          [,1]      [,2]
[1,]  2.036388  4.289662
[2,] 54.478516 79.968115
               [,1]      [,2]
eruptions  4.289662  2.036388
waiting   79.968115 54.478517

Compare variances.

      eruptions    waiting
[1,] 0.06916767  0.4351676
[2,] 0.43516762 33.6972821

     eruptions    waiting
[1,] 0.1699684  0.9406093
[2,] 0.9406093 36.0462113
, , 1

          eruptions    waiting
eruptions 0.1699684  0.9406089
waiting   0.9406089 36.0462071

, , 2

           eruptions    waiting
eruptions 0.06916769  0.4351678
waiting   0.43516784 33.6972835

Compare classifications. Reverse in case arbitrary labeling of one of the clusters is opposite.

table(mix_faithful$cluster, mix_mclust$classification)
      1   2
  1   0  97
  2 175   0
table(ifelse(mix_faithful$cluster == 2, 1, 2),
      1   2
  1 175   0
  2   0  97
# compare responsibilities; reverse one if arbitrary numbering of one of them is opposite
# cbind(round(mix_faithful$resp[,1], 2), round(mix_mclust$z[,2], 2)) # cluster '1'
# cbind(round(mix_faithful$resp[,2], 2), round(mix_mclust$z[,1], 2)) # cluster '2'

Example 2: Iris

Data Setup

Set up the data.

iris2 = iris %>% select(-Species)


Run and examine. We add noise to our starting value, and the function is notably sensitive to starts, but we don’t want to cheat too badly.

mustart = iris %>% 
  group_by(Species) %>% 
  summarise(across(.fns = function(x) mean(x) + runif(1, 0, .5))) %>% 
  select(-Species) %>% 

# use purrr::map due to mclust::map masking
covstart = iris %>% 
  split(.$Species) %>% 
  purrr::map(select, -Species) %>% 
  purrr::map(function(x) cov(x) + diag(runif(4, 0, .5))) 

probs = c(.1, .2, .7)

starts = list(mu = mustart, var = covstart, probs = probs)
mix_mclust_iris = em_mixture(
  params = starts,
  X = as.matrix(iris2),
  clusters = 3,
  tol      = 1e-8,
  maxits   = 1500,
  showits  = T
Iterations of EM: 
table(mix_mclust_iris$cluster, iris$Species)
    setosa versicolor virginica
  1     50          0         0
  2      0         50         7
  3      0          0        43


Compare to mclust results.


mclust_iris = mclust::Mclust(iris[,1:4], 3)
table(mclust_iris$classification, iris$Species)
    setosa versicolor virginica
  1     50          0         0
  2      0         45         0
  3      0          5        50

Probit Model

The following regards models for a binary response. See Murphy, 2012 Probabilistic Machine Learning Chapter 11.4.

Data Setup


admission = haven::read_dta("https://stats.idre.ucla.edu/stat/stata/dae/binary.dta")

Probit via Maximum Likelihood


We’ll start with the a basic maximum likelihood function for a standard probit. See the logistic regression and previous chapter on probit models for comparison.

probit_mle <- function(params, X, y){
  # Arguments are starting parameters (coefficients), model matrix, response 
  b = params
  mu = X %*% b    # linear predictor
  # compute the log likelihood either way
  # ll = sum(y * pnorm(mu, log.p = TRUE) + (1 - y) * pnorm(-mu, log.p = TRUE))  
  ll = sum(dbinom(y, 1, prob = pnorm(mu), log = TRUE))


Estimate with optim.

# input data
X = as.matrix(cbind(1, admission[, 2:4]))
y = as.matrix(admission[, 1])
init = c(0, 0, 0, 0)

# Can set tolerance really low to duplicate glm result
fit_mle = optim(
  par = init,
  fn  = probit_mle,
  X   = X,
  y   = y,
  control = list(maxit = 1000, reltol = 1e-12)

# extract coefficients
coefs_mle = fit_mle$par


Compare to glm.

fit_glm = glm(
  admit ~ gre + gpa + rank,
  family  = binomial(link = "probit"),
  control = list(maxit = 500, epsilon = 1e-8),
  data    = admission


glm(formula = admit ~ gre + gpa + rank, family = binomial(link = "probit"), 
    data = admission, control = list(maxit = 500, epsilon = 1e-08))

Deviance Residuals: 
    Min       1Q   Median       3Q      Max  
-1.5626  -0.8920  -0.6403   1.1631   2.2097  

              Estimate Std. Error z value Pr(>|z|)    
(Intercept) -2.0915039  0.6718360  -3.113  0.00185 ** 
gre          0.0013982  0.0006487   2.156  0.03112 *  
gpa          0.4643599  0.1950263   2.381  0.01727 *  
rank        -0.3317117  0.0745524  -4.449 8.61e-06 ***
Signif. codes:  0 '***' 0.001 '**' 0.01 '*' 0.05 '.' 0.1 ' ' 1

(Dispersion parameter for binomial family taken to be 1)

    Null deviance: 499.98  on 399  degrees of freedom
Residual deviance: 459.48  on 396  degrees of freedom
AIC: 467.48

Number of Fisher Scoring iterations: 4
coefs_glm = coef(fit_glm)


(Intercept) gre gpa rank
coefs_mle -2.092 0.001 0.464 -0.332
coefs_glm -2.092 0.001 0.464 -0.332

EM for Latent Variable Approach to Probit

Now for the EM approach, which assumes an continuous latent variable underlying the binary target.


em_probit <- function(
  tol = .00001,
  maxits  = 100,
  showits = TRUE
) {
  # Arguments 
  # params: starting parameters (coefficients)
  # X: model matrix
  # y: response 
  # tol: tolerance, 
  # maxits: maximum iterations
  # showits: whether to show iterations

  #starting points
  b  = params
  mu = X%*%b
  it = 0
  converged = FALSE
  z = rnorm(length(y))    # z is the latent variable ~N(0,1)
  # Show iterations
  if (showits)                                                            
    cat(paste("Iterations of EM:", "\n"))
  # while no convergence and we haven't reached our max iterations do this stuff
  while ((!converged) & (it < maxits)) {                                 
    z_old = z       # create 'old' values for comparison
    # E step create a new z based on current values
    z = ifelse(
      y == 1, 
      mu + dnorm(mu) / pnorm(mu), 
      mu - dnorm(mu) / pnorm(-mu)
    # M step estimate b
    b  = solve(t(X)%*%X) %*% t(X)%*%z                                     
    mu = X%*%b
    ll = sum(y * pnorm(mu, log.p = TRUE) + (1 - y) * pnorm(-mu, log.p = TRUE))
    it = it + 1
    if (showits & (it == 1 | it%%5 == 0))
      cat(paste(format(it), "...", "\n", sep = ""))
    converged = max(abs(z_old - z)) <= tol
  # Show last iteration
  if (showits)                                                            
    cat(paste0(format(it), "...", "\n"))
  list(b = t(b), ll = ll)


Use the same setup and starting values to estimate the parameters.

# can lower tolerance to duplicate glm result
fit_em = em_probit(
  params = init,
  X      = X,
  y      = y,
  tol    = 1e-12,
  maxit  = 100
Iterations of EM: 
# fit_em  

coefs_em = fit_em$b


Compare all results.

fit (Intercept) gre gpa rank logLik
glm -2.092 0.001 0.464 -0.332 -229.74
mle -2.092 0.001 0.464 -0.332 229.74
em -2.092 0.001 0.464 -0.332 -229.74


Show estimates over niter iterations and visualize.

X2 = X
X2[, 2:3] = scale(X2[, 2:3])

niter = 20

fit_em = map_df(1:niter, function(x)
      params  = init,
      X       = X2,
      y       = y,
      tol     = 1e-8,
      maxit   = x,
      showits = F

gdat = fit_em %>% 
  rowid_to_column('iter') %>% 
  pivot_longer(-iter, names_to = 'coef') %>% 
    coef = factor(coef, labels = c('Intercept', 'gre', 'gpa', 'rank'))
  ) %>% 
  arrange(iter, coef)


The following is an EM algorithm for principal components analysis. See Murphy, 2012 Probabilistic Machine Learning 12.2.5. Some of the constructed object is based on output from pca function used below.

Data Setup

The state.x77 is from base R, which includes various state demographics. We will first standardize the data.


X = scale(state.x77)


The estimating function. Note that it uses orth from pracma, but I show the core of the underlying code if you don’t want to install it.

# orth <- function(M) {
#   svdM = svd(M)
#   U    = svdM$u
#   s    = svdM$d
#   tol  = max(dim(M)) * max(s) * .Machine$double.eps
#   r    = sum(s > tol)
#   U[, 1:r, drop = FALSE]
# }

em_pca <- function(
  n_comp   = 2,
  tol     = .00001,
  maxits  = 100,
  showits = TRUE
  ) {
  # Arguments 
  # X: numeric data
  # n_comp: number of components
  # tol = tolerance level
  # maxits: maximum iterations
  # showits: show iterations
  # starting points and other initializations
  N  = nrow(X)
  D  = ncol(X)
  L  = n_comp
  Xt = t(X)
  Z  = t(replicate(L, rnorm(N)))                 # latent variables
  W  = replicate(L, rnorm(D))                    # loadings
  it = 0
  converged = FALSE
  if (showits)                                                     
    cat(paste("Iterations of EM:", "\n"))
  # while no convergence and we haven't reached our max iterations do this stuff
  while ((!converged) & (it < maxits)) {                           
    Z_old = Z                                    # create 'old' values for comparison
    Z = solve(t(W)%*%W) %*% crossprod(W, Xt)     # E
    W = Xt%*%t(Z) %*% solve(tcrossprod(Z))       # M

    it = it + 1
    # if showits, show first and every 5th iteration
    if (showits & (it == 1 | it%%5 == 0))           
      cat(paste(format(it), "...", "\n", sep = ""))
    converged = max(abs(Z_old-Z)) <= tol
  # calculate reconstruction error
  Xrecon_em = W %*% Z
  reconerr  = sum((Xrecon_em - t(X))^2)
  # orthogonalize
  W     = pracma::orth(W)     # for orthonormal basis of W; pcaMethods package has also
  evs   = eigen(cov(X %*% W))
  evals = evs$values
  evecs = evs$vectors
  W = W %*% evecs
  Z = X %*% W

  if (showits)                                     # Show last iteration
    cat(paste0(format(it), "...", "\n"))
    scores    = Z,
    loadings  = W,
    reconerr  = reconerr,
    Xrecon_em = t(Xrecon_em)


fit_em = em_pca(
  X = X,
  n_comp = 2,
  tol    = 1e-12,
  maxit  = 1000
Iterations of EM: 
str(fit_em)  # examine results
List of 4
 $ scores   : num [1:50, 1:2] 3.79 -1.053 0.867 2.382 0.241 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "Alabama" "Alaska" "Arizona" "Arkansas" ...
  .. ..$ : NULL
 $ loadings : num [1:8, 1:2] 0.126 -0.299 0.468 -0.412 0.444 ...
 $ reconerr : num 136
 $ Xrecon_em: num [1:50, 1:8] 0.383 2.109 0.416 -0.228 1.472 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "Alabama" "Alaska" "Arizona" "Arkansas" ...
  .. ..$ : chr [1:8] "Population" "Income" "Illiteracy" "Life Exp" ...


Extract reconstructed values and loadings for comparison.

Xrecon_em   = fit_em$Xrecon_em
loadings_em = fit_em$loadings
scores_em   = fit_em$scores

Compare results to output from pcaMethods, which also has probabilistic PCA (demonstrated next). Note that the signs for loadings/scores may be different in sign, but otherwise should be comparable.

library(pcaMethods)  # install via BiocManager::install("pcaMethods")

fit_pcam = pca(
  nPcs = 2,
  method = 'svd',
  scale  = 'none',
  center = FALSE

loadings_pcam = loadings(fit_pcam)
scores_pcam   = scores(fit_pcam)

Compare loadings and scores.

sum((abs(loadings_pcam) - abs(loadings_em))^2)
[1] 2.166071e-24
cbind(scores_pcam, data.frame(EM = scores_em)) %>% 
                  PC1        PC2       EM.1       EM.2
Alabama     3.7898873 -0.2347790  3.7898873 -0.2347790
Alaska     -1.0531355  5.4561751 -1.0531355  5.4561751
Arizona     0.8674288  0.7450615  0.8674288  0.7450615
Arkansas    2.3817776 -1.2883437  2.3817776 -1.2883437
California  0.2413815  3.5095228  0.2413815  3.5095228
Colorado   -2.0621814  0.5056639 -2.0621814  0.5056639

Calculate mean squared reconstruction error and compare.

Xrecon_pcam = scores_pcam %*% t(loadings_pcam)

mean((Xrecon_em - X)^2)
[1] 0.3392252
mean((Xrecon_pcam - X)^2)
[1] 0.3392252
mean(abs(Xrecon_pcam - Xrecon_em))
[1] 6.109616e-13


# qplot(Xrecon_pcam[,1], X[,1])
# qplot(Xrecon_pcam[,2], X[,2])
qplot(Xrecon_em[,1], Xrecon_pcam[,1])

Probabilistic PCA

The following is an EM algorithm for probabilistic principal components analysis. Based on Tipping and Bishop, 1999, and also Murphy 2012 Probabilistic ML, with some code snippets inspired by the ppca function used below. See also standard PCA.

Data Setup

state.x77 is from base R, which includes various state demographics. We will first standardize the data.


X = scale(state.x77)


The estimating function. Note that it uses orth from pracma, but I show the core of the underlying code if you don’t want to install it.

orth <- function(M) {
  svdM = svd(M)
  U    = svdM$u
  s    = svdM$d
  tol  = max(dim(M)) * max(s) * .Machine$double.eps
  r    = sum(s > tol)
  U[, 1:r, drop = FALSE]

em_ppca <- function(
  n_comp = 2,
  tol   = .00001,
  maxits  = 100,
  showits = TRUE
) {
  # Arguments 
  # X: numeric data
  # n_comp: number of components
  # tol = tolerance level
  # maxits: maximum iterations
  # showits: show iterations
  # require(pracma) 

  tr <- function(x) sum(diag(x), na.rm = TRUE)  # matrix trace
  # starting points and other initializations
  N = nrow(X)
  D = ncol(X)
  L = n_comp

  S = (1/N) * t(X)%*%X
  evals = eigen(S)$values
  evecs = eigen(S)$vectors

  V = evecs[,1:L]
  Lambda = diag(evals[1:L])
  # latent variables
  Z = t(replicate(L, rnorm(N))) 
  # variance; average variance associated with discarded dimensions
  sigma2 = 1/(D - L) * sum(evals[(L+1):D])
  # loadings; this and sigma2 starting points will be near final estimate
  W = V %*% chol(Lambda - sigma2 * diag(L)) %*% diag(L)  

  it = 0
  converged = FALSE
  ll = 0
  # Show iterations
  if (showits)                                                    
    cat(paste("Iterations of EM:", "\n"))
  while ((!converged) & (it < maxits)) {                           
    # create 'old' values for comparison
      W_old = W_new
    else {
      W_old = W
    ll_old = ll
    Psi = sigma2*diag(L)
    M   = t(W_old) %*% W_old + Psi
    # E and M 
    W_new  = S %*% W_old %*% solve( Psi + solve(M) %*% t(W_old) %*% S %*% W_old )   
    sigma2 = 1/D * tr(S - S %*% W_old %*% solve(M) %*% t(W_new))

    Z  = solve(M) %*% t(W_new) %*% t(X)
    ZZ = sigma2*solve(M) + Z%*%t(Z)
    # log likelihood as in paper
    # ll = .5*sigma2*D + .5*tr(ZZ) + .5*sigma2 * X%*%t(X) -
    #      1/sigma2 * t(Z)%*%t(W_new)%*%t(X) + .5*sigma2 * tr(t(W_new)%*%W_new%*%ZZ)
    # ll = -sum(ll)
    # more straightforward
    ll = dnorm(X, mean = t(W_new %*% Z), sd = sqrt(sigma2), log = TRUE)
    ll = -sum(ll)

    it = it + 1
    # if showits, show first and every 5th iteration
    if (showits & (it == 1 | it%%5 == 0))                          
      cat(paste(format(it), "...", "\n", sep = ""))
    converged = max(abs(ll_old-ll)) <= tol
  W     = pracma::orth(W_new) # for orthonormal basis of W; pcaMethods package has also
  evs   = eigen(cov(X %*% W))
  evecs = evs$vectors
  W = W %*% evecs
  Z = X %*% W
  Xrecon   = Z %*% t(W)
  reconerr = sum((Xrecon - X)^2)
  if (showits)                                                     # Show last iteration
    cat(paste0(format(it), "...", "\n"))
    scores   = Z,
    loadings = W,
    Xrecon   = Xrecon,
    reconerr = reconerr,
    ll       = ll,
    sigma2   = sigma2


fit_em = em_ppca(
  X = X,
  n_comp = 2,
  tol   = 1e-12,
  maxit = 100
Iterations of EM: 
List of 6
 $ scores  : num [1:50, 1:2] 3.79 -1.053 0.867 2.382 0.241 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "Alabama" "Alaska" "Arizona" "Arkansas" ...
  .. ..$ : NULL
 $ loadings: num [1:8, 1:2] 0.126 -0.299 0.468 -0.412 0.444 ...
 $ Xrecon  : num [1:50, 1:8] 0.383 2.109 0.416 -0.228 1.472 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "Alabama" "Alaska" "Arizona" "Arkansas" ...
  .. ..$ : NULL
 $ reconerr: num 136
 $ ll      : num 369
 $ sigma2  : num 0.452


Extract reconstructed values and loadings for comparison.

Xrecon      = fit_em$Xrecon
loadings_em = fit_em$loadings
scores_em   = fit_em$scores

Compare to standard pca on full data set if desired.

standard_pca =  princomp(scale(state.x77))

scores_standard_pca   = standard_pca$scores[,1:2]
loadings_standard_pca = standard_pca$loadings[,1:2]
Xrecon_standard_pca   = scores_standard_pca%*%t(loadings_standard_pca)

Compare results to output from pcaMethods, which also has probabilistic PCA (demonstrated next). Note that the signs for loadings/scores may be different


fit_pcam  = pca(
  nPcs = 2,
  threshold = 1e-8,
  method = 'ppca',
  scale  = 'none',
  center = FALSE

loadings_pcam = loadings(fit_pcam)
scores_pcam   = scores(fit_pcam)

Compare loadings and scores.

round(cbind(loadings_pcam, loadings_em, loadings_standard_pca), 3)
              PC1    PC2               Comp.1 Comp.2
Population  0.126  0.411  0.126  0.411  0.126  0.411
Income     -0.299  0.519 -0.299  0.519 -0.299  0.519
Illiteracy  0.468  0.053  0.468  0.053  0.468  0.053
Life Exp   -0.412 -0.082 -0.412 -0.082 -0.412 -0.082
Murder      0.444  0.307  0.444  0.307  0.444  0.307
HS Grad    -0.425  0.299 -0.425  0.299 -0.425  0.299
Frost      -0.357 -0.154 -0.357 -0.154 -0.357 -0.154
Area       -0.033  0.588 -0.033  0.588 -0.033  0.588
sum((abs(loadings_pcam) - abs(loadings_em)) ^ 2)
[1] 1.324404e-18
cbind(scores_pcam, data.frame(EM = scores_em)) %>% 
                  PC1        PC2       EM.1       EM.2
Alabama     3.7898873 -0.2347790  3.7898873 -0.2347790
Alaska     -1.0531355  5.4561751 -1.0531355  5.4561751
Arizona     0.8674288  0.7450615  0.8674288  0.7450615
Arkansas    2.3817776 -1.2883437  2.3817776 -1.2883437
California  0.2413815  3.5095228  0.2413815  3.5095228
Colorado   -2.0621814  0.5056639 -2.0621814  0.5056639

Compare reconstructed data sets.

Xrecon_pcam = scores_pcam %*% t(loadings_pcam)

mean((Xrecon_pcam - X)^2)  
[1] 0.3392252
mean(abs(Xrecon_pcam - Xrecon))
[1] 3.905797e-10
mean(abs(Xrecon_pcam - Xrecon))
[1] 3.905797e-10


Show the reconstructed vs. observed data.

Compare component scores.

Missing Data Example

A slightly revised approach can be taken in the case of missing values.

Data Setup

# create some missing values

X_miss = X
NAindex = sample(length(X), 20)
X_miss[NAindex] = NA


This estimating function largely follows the previous

em_ppca_miss <- function(
  n_comp  = 2,
  tol     = .00001,
  maxits  = 100,
  showits = TRUE
  ) {
  # Arguments 
  # X: numeric data
  # n_comp: number of components
  # tol: tolerance level
  # maxits: maximum iterations
  # showits: show iterations
  # require(pracma) # for orthonormal basis of W; pcaMethods package has also, see basic orth function
  tr <- function(x) sum(diag(x), na.rm = TRUE)   # matrix trace
  # starting points and other initializations
  X_orig = X
  X = X
  N = nrow(X_orig)
  D = ncol(X_orig)
  L = n_comp
  NAs = is.na(X_orig)

  X[NAs] = 0
  S = (1/N) * t(X)%*%X
  evals = eigen(S)$values
  evecs = eigen(S)$vectors

  V = evecs[,1:L]
  Lambda = diag(evals[1:L])
  # latent variables
  Z = t(replicate(L, rnorm(N))) 
  # variance; average variance associated with discarded dimensions
  sigma2 = 1/(D-L) * sum(evals[(L+1):D])
  # loadings
  W = V %*% chol(Lambda-sigma2*diag(L)) %*% diag(L)           

  it = 0
  converged = FALSE
  ll = 0
   # Show iterations
  if (showits)
    cat(paste("Iterations of EM:", "\n"))
  while ((!converged) & (it < maxits)) {                  
      W_old = W_new
    else {
      W_old = W
    ll_old = ll
    # deal with missingness via projection
    proj  = t(W_old%*%Z)
    X_new = X_orig
    X_new[NAs] = proj[NAs]
    X = X_new
    Psi = sigma2*diag(L)
    M   = t(W_old) %*% W_old + Psi
    # E and M
    W_new  = S %*% W_old %*% solve( Psi + solve(M)%*%t(W_old)%*%S%*%W_old )
    sigma2 = 1/D * tr(S - S%*%W_old%*%solve(M)%*%t(W_new))

    Z = solve(M)%*%t(W_new)%*%t(X)
    # log likelihood as in paper
    # ZZ = sigma2*solve(M) + Z%*%t(Z)
    # ll = .5*sigma2*D + .5*tr(ZZ) + .5*sigma2 * X%*%t(X) -
    #      1/sigma2 * t(Z)%*%t(W_new)%*%t(X) + .5*sigma2 * tr(t(W_new)%*%W_new%*%ZZ)
    # ll = -sum(ll)
    # more straightforward
    ll = dnorm(X, mean = t(W_new %*% Z), sd = sqrt(sigma2), log = TRUE)
    ll = -sum(ll)

    it = it + 1
    # if showits, show first and every 5th iteration
    if (showits & (it == 1 | it%%5 == 0))                          
      cat(paste(format(it), "...", "\n", sep = ""))
    converged = max(abs(ll_old-ll)) <= tol
  W     = pracma::orth(W_new)   # for orthonormal basis of W
  evs   = eigen(cov(X %*% W))
  evecs = evs$vectors
  W = W %*% evecs
  Z = X %*% W
  Xrecon   = Z %*% t(W)
  reconerr = sum((Xrecon-X)^2)
  if (showits)                                                     # Show last iteration
    cat(paste0(format(it), "...", "\n"))
    scores   = Z,
    loadings = W,
    Xrecon   = Xrecon,
    reconerr = reconerr,
    ll       = ll,
    sigma2   = sigma2


Run the PCA.

fit_em_miss = em_ppca_miss(
  X = X_miss,
  n_comp = 2,
  tol   = 1e-8,
  maxit = 100
Iterations of EM: 
List of 6
 $ scores  : num [1:50, 1:2] 3.79 -1.07 0.86 2.35 0.24 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "Alabama" "Alaska" "Arizona" "Arkansas" ...
  .. ..$ : NULL
 $ loadings: num [1:8, 1:2] 0.133 -0.299 0.422 -0.431 0.464 ...
 $ Xrecon  : num [1:50, 1:8] 0.414 1.998 0.448 -0.2 1.521 ...
  ..- attr(*, "dimnames")=List of 2
  .. ..$ : chr [1:50] "Alabama" "Alaska" "Arizona" "Arkansas" ...
  .. ..$ : NULL
 $ reconerr: num 130
 $ ll      : num 368
 $ sigma2  : num 0.475


Extract reconstructed values and loadings for comparison.

Xrecon      = fit_em_miss$Xrecon
loadings_em = fit_em_miss$loadings
scores_em   = fit_em_miss$scores

Compare to standard pca on full data set if desired.

standard_pca =  prin_comp(scale(state.x77))

scores_standard_pca   = standard_pca$scores[,1:2]
loadings_standard_pca = standard_pca$loadings[,1:2]
Xrecon_standard_pca   = scores_standard_pca%*%t(loadings_standard_pca)

Compare results to output from pcaMethods, which also has probabilistic PCA (demonstrated next). Note that the signs for loadings/scores may be different


fit_pcam  = pca(
  nPcs = 2,
  threshold = 1e-8,
  method = 'ppca',
  scale  = 'none',
  center = FALSE

loadings_pcam = loadings(fit_pcam)
scores_pcam   = scores(fit_pcam)

Compare loadings and scores.

round(cbind(loadings_pcam, loadings_em, loadings_standard_pca), 3)
              PC1    PC2               Comp.1 Comp.2
Population -0.128 -0.416  0.133  0.396  0.126  0.411
Income      0.305 -0.492 -0.299  0.537 -0.299  0.519
Illiteracy -0.434 -0.046  0.422  0.076  0.468  0.053
Life Exp    0.432  0.077 -0.431 -0.080 -0.412 -0.082
Murder     -0.464 -0.284  0.464  0.290  0.444  0.307
HS Grad     0.424 -0.288 -0.433  0.318 -0.425  0.299
Frost       0.346  0.170 -0.353 -0.185 -0.357 -0.154
Area        0.041 -0.620 -0.037  0.569 -0.033  0.588
sum((abs(loadings_pcam) - abs(loadings_em)) ^ 2)
[1] 0.00738241
cbind(scores_pcam, data.frame(EM = scores_em)) %>% 
                  PC1        PC2       EM.1       EM.2
Alabama    -3.7959034  0.2274074  3.7935243 -0.2316100
Alaska      1.0806631 -5.4908857 -1.0714535  5.4128832
Arizona    -0.8672862 -0.7758984  0.8599622  0.8425754
Arkansas   -2.3599676  1.2461202  2.3527582 -1.3002423
California -0.1899324 -4.0171723  0.2399266  3.7656674
Colorado    1.4732282 -0.4045470 -1.4689157  0.4135982

Compare reconstructed data sets.

Xrecon_pcam = scores_pcam %*% t(loadings_pcam)

[1] 0.5047378
mean(abs(Xrecon_pcam - Xrecon))
[1] 0.02893291


Visualize as before

State Space Model

The following regards chapter 11 in Statistical Modeling and Computation, the first example for an unobserved components model. The data regards inflation based on the U.S. consumer price index (\(\textrm{infl} = 400*log(cpi_t/cpi_{t-1})\)), from the second quarter of 1947 to the second quarter of 2011. You can acquire the data here or in Datasets repo. Just note that it has 2 mystery columns and one mystery row presumably supplied by Excel. You can also get the CPI data yourself at the Bureau of Labor Statistics in a frustrating fashion, or in a much easier fashion here.

For the following I use n instead of t or T because those are transpose and TRUE in R. The model is basically y = τ + ϵ, with ϵ ~ N(0, σ2), and τ = τn-1 + υ_n with υ ~ N(0, ω2). Thus each y is associated with a latent variable that follows a random walk over time. ω2 serves as a smoothing parameter, which itself may be estimated but which is fixed in the following. See the text for more details.

Data Setup


d = read_csv(
  col_names = FALSE

inflation = as.matrix(d$X1)

 Min.   :-9.557  
 1st Qu.: 1.843  
 Median : 3.248  
 Mean   : 3.634  
 3rd Qu.: 4.819  
 Max.   :15.931  


EM function for a state space model.

em_state_space <- function(
  tol     = .00001,
  maxits  = 100,
  showits = FALSE
) {
  # Arguments 
  # params: starting parameters (variance as 'sigma2'), 
  # y: data, 
  # tol: tolerance,
  # omega2: latent variance (2_0) is a noisier starting variance
  # maxits: maximum iterations
  # showits: whether to show iterations
  # Not really needed here, but would be a good idea generally to take advantage
  # of sparse representation for large data
  # require(spam)  # see usage below
  # Starting points
  n = length(y)
  sigma2 = params$sigma2
  # Other initializations
  H = diag(n)
  for (i in 1:(ncol(H) - 1)) {
    H[i + 1, i] = -1
  Omega2 = spam::as.spam(diag(omega2, n))
  Omega2[1, 1] = omega2_0
  H = spam::as.spam(H)
  HinvOmega2H = t(H) %*% spam::chol2inv(spam::chol(Omega2)) %*% H   # tau ~ N(0, HinvOmmega2H^-1)
  it = 0
  converged = FALSE
  if (showits)                                    # Show iterations
    cat(paste("Iterations of EM:", "\n"))

  while ((!converged) & (it < maxits)) { 
    sigma2Old    = sigma2[1]
    Sigma2invOld = diag(n)/sigma2Old

    K   = HinvOmega2H + Sigma2invOld              # E
    tau = solve(K, y/sigma2Old)                   # tau|y, sigma2_{n-1}, omega2 ~ N(0, K^-1)
    K_inv_tr = sum(1/eigen(K)$values)
    sigma2 = 1/n * (K_inv_tr + crossprod(y-tau))  # M
    converged = max(abs(sigma2 - sigma2Old)) <= tol
    it = it + 1
    # if showits true, & it =1 or divisible by 5 print message
    if (showits & it == 1 | it%%5 == 0)        
      cat(paste(format(it), "...", "\n", sep = ""))
  Kfinal   = HinvOmega2H + diag(n) / sigma2[1]
  taufinal = solve(K, (y / sigma2[1]))
  list(sigma2 = sigma2, tau = taufinal)


ss_mod_1 = em_state_space(
  params = data.frame(sigma2 = var(inflation)),
  y      = inflation,
  tol    = 1e-10,
  omega2_0 = 9,
  omega2   = 1^2
ss_mod_.5 = em_state_space(
  params = data.frame(sigma2 = var(inflation)),
  y      = inflation,
  tol    = 1e-10,
  omega2_0 = 9,
  omega2   = .5^2
# more smooth
ss_mod_.1 = em_state_space(
  params = data.frame(sigma2 = var(inflation)),
  y      = inflation,
  tol    = 1e-10,
  omega2_0 = 9,
  omega2   = .1^2
[1,] 2.765182
[1,] 4.404707
[1,] 7.489429



series = ymd(
    rep(1947:2014, e = 4), 
    c('01', '04', '07', '10'), 

The following corresponds to Fig. 11.1 in the text. We’ll also compare to generalized additive model via geom_smooth (greenish line). We can see the .1 model (light blue) is overly smooth.


  series = series[1:length(inflation)],
  inflation = inflation,
  Mod_1  = ss_mod_1$tau,
  Mod_.5 = ss_mod_.5$tau,
  Mod_.1 = ss_mod_.1$tau
) %>% 
  ggplot(aes(x = series, y = inflation)) +
  geom_point(color = 'gray50', alpha = .25) +
  geom_line(aes(y = Mod_1),  color = '#ff5500') +
  geom_line(aes(y = Mod_.5), color = '#9E1B34') +
  geom_line(aes(y = Mod_.1), color = '#00aaff') +
    formula = y ~ s(x, bs = 'gp', k = 50),
    se = FALSE,
    color = '#1b9e86',
    method = 'gam',
    size = .5
  ) +
  scale_x_date(date_breaks = '10 years') +
  labs(x = '')